African American History  Paid

An Introduction, Third Edition

by Joanne Turner-Sadler (Author)
©2021, Textbook, XXXVI, 408 Pages



Every year more colleges and high schools are offering classes (and often making them required classes) in Black history. Joanne Turner-Sadler provides a concise and probing treatment of 400 years of Black history in America that can be used with age groups ranging from high school through college and beyond. Equally the book provides a digestible overview for anyone interested in African American history and the constructs of the culture. In African American History: An Introduction, Third Edition the author touches on key figures and events that have shaped African American culture beginning with a look at Africa and its various civilizations and the migration of the African people to America. Some essential topics covered in this updated edition:

  • African Kingdoms and Rise of Slavery in Europe
  • The Roots of Oppression in the Americas
  • The Origins of the Black Middle Class
  • Emancipation, Civil Rights, and the Quest for Equality
  • The First Black President and the Growth of New Coalitions
  • Demographic and Ethnic Change beyond the 20th Century
  • Them Vs. Us: Tribalism and Voter Suppression

This book is an indispensable addition to all library collections as well as a teaching tool for instructors. It is heavily illustrated (photos, maps, timelines) with useful end-of-the-chapter questions, summaries, and activities for further study. Additionally, this book contains a handy bibliography of suggested readings.

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Note to the Reader
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Prologue: African American History Is Now
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
    • Significant Content Updates
    • New Chapters to Third Edition
    • Continuing Features
  • 1. Early African People and Civilizations
    • Africa: Home of the Human Race
      • Paleoanthropological Evidence
      • The Genetic Record
      • The Concept of Race
    • The Civilizations of Kush and Kemet
      • The Old Kingdom: Dynasties 1 and 2 (c. 3150–2649 B.C.E.)
      • The New Kingdom: Dynasties 18–20 (c. 1783–1550 B.C.E.)
      • Influential Women of the New Kingdom
      • Ancient Kemetic/Egyptian Education
      • The Late Period: Dynasty 25 (c. 750–675 B.C.E.)
      • The Kushite Female Rulers
    • The Kingdom of Axum (c. 100–940 C.E.)
    • Summary
    • References
  • 2. African Empires
    • Exploration and Sphere of Influence Before Enslavement
      • The Fall of the Roman Empire and Its Geopolitical Consequences
      • Africans in the Iberian Peninsula (c. 711 C.E.)
      • Africans in the Americas
    • The Medieval Empires of Africa
      • Ghana
      • Mali
      • Songhay
      • Kanem-Bornu
      • Other Kingdoms
    • Summary
    • References
  • 3. A Peculiar Institution—with Unintended Consequences
    • Slavery and Three Historical Considerations
      • The First Consideration: The Origins of European Enslavement of Africans
      • The Second Consideration: The Exclusivity of African Enslavement
      • The Third Consideration: The Mechanics of Why and How African Slavery Was Possible
    • The Challenges, Hardships, and Struggles of Newly Enslaved Africans
      • The Triangle Trade
      • The Colonial Plantation System
      • Two Early Courageous Abolitionists
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 4. Resistance to Enslavement in the Americas
    • Resistance in Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Rebellions Against Enslavement in the English Colonies
      • Violent Protests Against Enslavement
      • Gabriel Prosser
      • Denmark Vesey
      • Nat Turner
      • John Brown
      • The Amistad Revolt
      • Non-Violent Protests Against Enslavement and the Abolitionist Movement
      • Frederick Douglass
      • Sojourner Truth
      • West Coast Abolitionists
      • Newspapers for Liberation
      • Prince Hall
    • The Road to Freedom
      • The Underground Railroad
      • A Matter of Conscience
    • The Great Compromise
    • Free Africans
      • The Free African Society
      • The Quality of Life
      • Early Repatriation
      • The Question of Emigration and Seeking a Better Life
    • Summary
    • References
  • 5. Choosing Sides in America’s Early Wars
    • The Revolutionary War
    • The War of 1812
    • Growing Tensions Between the North and South
      • The Missouri Compromise
      • The Compromise of 1850
      • The Kansas-Nebraska Act
      • Dred Scott
      • Secession of the Southern States
    • The Civil War
      • Africans Volunteer
      • Africans in the Union Army
      • Africans in the Union Navy
      • The Emancipation Proclamation
      • Discrimination in the Union’s Armed Forces
      • Jubilee at Last
    • The Spanish-American War
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 6. Reconstruction
    • The Fate of Newly Freed Africans
      • Reconstruction’s Constitutional Amendments
      • The Freedmen’s Bureau
      • Forty Acres and a Mule
      • The End of Reconstruction
      • Sharecropping: The New Agricultural Slavery
      • Freedmen and the Move West
    • African American Institutions: Building Community
      • The Black Church
      • The Founding of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
    • The Rise of Black Political Power in the “Old South”
      • The Party of Lincoln
    • The Fall of Black Political Power and Jim Crow
      • Black Codes
      • Ku Klux Klan and White Supremacists
      • The Repression of Constitutional Rights
      • Freedom and New Achievements in Post-Civil War America
    • Summary
    • References
  • 7. Westward Movement
    • African American Pioneers
    • Explorers
    • Fur Trappers
    • Cowboys
    • African American Women in the West
    • Buffalo Soldiers
    • African American Californians
    • Settlers
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 8. New Century, Old Problems
    • The Eye of the Storm
      • Race Riots and Lynching
      • The Red Summer of 1919
      • Black Wall Street
      • Rosewood
    • A Red Record
    • The Great Northern Migration
      • The North and More Problems
      • The Unions and African American Workers
      • A. Philip Randolph
      • A New Labor Union
    • World War I
      • African Americans Distinguish Themselves
      • The 369th Regiment (“Hellfighters”)
    • Summary
    • References
  • 9. The Early Struggle for Human Rights
    • The Problem of the 20th Century
    • Political and Social Activists
      • Marcus Garvey
      • Monroe Trotter
      • Mary B. Talbert
    • The “Great Debate”
    • The Normal/Industrial School Model
    • The Niagara Movement
    • The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
    • The National Urban League
    • The Pan-African Movement
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 10. African Americans in American Society
    • Early Literary Achievements
    • The Harlem Renaissance
      • Writers
      • Visual and Performing Arts
      • Popular Music
      • Classical Performance
      • Theater
    • Scholars and Scientists
      • Carter G. Woodson
      • Ernest Just
      • Benjamin Quarles
      • The Schomburg Collection
    • The Negro Baseball Leagues
    • Summary
    • References
  • 11. Old Problems, New Deals, and Continued Hard Times
    • The Great Depression
      • Leaving the Party of Lincoln
      • The New Deal
      • Two Influential Women
    • Unrest and Protests: The New Deal
      • Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
      • A Renewed Focus on Civil Rights
    • World War II
      • Discrimination in Employment
    • Service in World War II
      • An African American Naval Hero
      • The Tuskegee Airmen
      • The Red Ball Express
      • African Americans in the Midst of Combat
    • Trouble on the Home Front
      • Return to the Racist Nation
      • The Blood Bank
      • Resistance and Riots at Home
    • Notable Figures of the Period
      • Jesse Owens
      • Joe Louis
    • The African American Middle Class
      • The Multifaceted Issues of Class in African American Society
      • The Origins and Development of the Black Middle Class
    • Race and Distinctions Within the African American Community
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 12. The Modern Struggle for Civil Rights
    • The Civil Rights Era
      • Emmett Till
      • Martin Luther King, Jr.
    • The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
    • The Desegregation of Schools
      • The Little Rock Nine
      • James Meredith and “Ole Miss”
    • The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
    • The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
    • The Mississippi Freedom Summer Project
    • Sit-Ins, Freedom Riders, and Marches
      • Sit-Ins
      • Freedom Riders
      • Marches
      • The James Meredith March
    • The Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts
    • Summary
    • References
  • 13. The Black Power Movement
    • Other Means of Protest
    • Black Power and Black Pride
    • The Black Panther Party for Self Defense
    • Other Activist Groups
      • US Movement
      • Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM)
      • The Republic of New Africa (RNA)
    • The Nation of Islam
      • Elijah Muhammad
      • Malcolm X
      • Louis Farrakhan
    • A New Cultural Renaissance
      • The Black Arts Movement
      • American Popular Culture
      • African American History or Black Studies
    • Black Power and Politics
      • The Congressional Black Caucus
      • Women in Politics
      • The Rainbow Coalition
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 14. African Americans and Military Conflicts
    • The Asian and Middle Eastern Conflict
      • The Korean Conflict
      • The Vietnam War
      • Opposition to the War
      • Muhammad Ali and the Conscientious Objection
    • The Persian Gulf Wars
      • The Persian Gulf War (Desert Storm)
      • The Iraq War
      • Who Fights in These Wars?
      • Global War on Terror
    • Summary
    • References
  • 15. From a Legal Point of View
    • Civil Rights and Legislative and Judicial Milestones
      • Laws and Amendments That Hurt
      • The Three-Fifths Compromise
      • Slave Codes to Black Codes and Jim Crow
      • Plessy v. Ferguson
      • Laws and Amendments That Helped
      • The Early Civil Rights Acts
      • The Early Education Cases
      • Brown v. Board of Education
      • Civil Rights Legislation of the 1900s
      • Voting Rights
      • Affirmative Action: A Tool of Opportunity
      • Croson v. Richmond
      • Bakke v. Regents of the University of California
      • University of Michigan
      • Fisher v. University of Texas
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 16. Achievement Against the Odds
    • Black Creativity Redefines American Culture
    • Entertainment
    • Sports
    • Law
    • Education and Government
    • The Military
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Science and Invention
      • African American Inventors
      • Contemporary African American Scientists
      • Notable Professional Black Achievers
      • Significant Contributors to Government/Public Service
      • Media/Entertainment
      • Business
    • Summary
    • References
  • 17. The Quest for Quality Education: Past and Present
    • Education: The Mainstay of African Americans
      • Schooling vs. Education
      • Early/Global Models of Education
      • Schooling in America for Blacks
    • School Choice
    • The Policies, Practices, and New Education Initiatives
      • No Child Left Behind Legislation
      • Alternative School Choices for African Americans
      • Independent Schools
      • Charter Schools
      • School Vouchers
    • The Privatization of Public School Administration and Management
    • Higher Education and African Americans
    • Remembering Their Roots
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 18. Barack Obama: The 44th President of the United States
    • The President and His Lineage
      • Higher Education and Career
      • The Roots of Community Activism
    • Early Political Career
    • Personal Struggles and Search for Identity
    • The Presidential Campaigns
      • The 2008 Election
      • 2012: The Re-Election of Obama
    • The Politics of Race and Division
    • The Presidency of Barack Obama: Challenges and Successes
    • The Obama Political Legacy
    • Summary
    • References
  • 19. 2016 Presidential Election: A Campaign of Polar Opposites
    • The 2016 Major U.S. Presidential Candidates
      • Hillary Clinton: Democratic Insider and Operative
      • Senator Bernie Sanders: Independent and “Insurgent Progressive”
      • The Republican Candidates
      • Donald Trump: Nativist, TV Reality Personality, Republican Nominee
    • The 2016 Presidential Campaign
      • Some Major Campaign Issues
      • Immigration
      • Affordable Health Care
      • Gun Violence
      • BlackLivesMatter
      • Cyber Security
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • 20. The Browning of America and Its Implications
    • The New Demographics of a Changing Population
    • The New Civil Rights Challenges
      • Popular Vote vs. Electoral College
    • Post-Obama Neo-Conservative Policies and Practices
      • The New National Conservatism
      • Voter Suppression Practices
      • Post-Obama Political Era: Trump Versus Biden
    • President Joseph Biden: Diversity Without Division
    • Summary
    • References
  • 21. The Road Ahead: Issues and Challenges
    • Understanding the Interplay of Race, Culture, and History
      • Race and Inequality: Why the Disparities?
      • The Legacy of White Supremacy
    • BlackLivesMatter: A Community Response to Injustice
      • BlackLivesMatter Movement Goes Global
    • A Future of Uncertainty Beyond 2020: What’s Next?
      • The Color of a Pandemic
    • The 2020 Presidential Election
    • Summary
    • References
    • Review
      • I. Checking What You Have Read
      • II. On Your Own
  • Epilogue
  • Index
XXXVI, 408
9781433174773 (Active)
9781433154775 (Active)
9781433154782 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2021. XXXVI, 408 pp., 43 b/w ill.
Joanne Turner-Sadler is Assistant Professor of Education at Daemen College in Amherst, New York. She has a bachelors in sociology, a M.A. in education, and a doctorate in education administration. She has been an elementary school teacher, Supervisor of Curriculum, and Coordinator of the African American Program for the Buffalo public schools. Dr. Sadler is also a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, an international women’s community service organization.

African American History: An Introduction offers an inspiring history of Black America, anti-Blackness in very inconspicuous intimate spaces. It highlights the need for a broader study of color in America through the lens of geographical, chronological and conceptual terms. The third edition brings a fresh understanding to historical events as well as ties the past to present concerns and issues in African American communities. The book also provides a contextual nexus between American institutions, African History, and the struggles of people of African descent. This book is suitable for students of various ages, the general public, and anyone who has an interest in African American History.”—Lemuel Berry, Jr., Executive Director, National Association of African American Studies and Affiliates

"In colleges and universities across the country there is a stunning contradiction. Many people recognize the significance of the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States, and at the same time they have little knowledge about the history of those whose courage and sacrifice made the event possible. Dr. Turner-Sadler’s study will help rectify this deficiency. The new edition is considerably updated, and at the same time it remains immanently readable, thorough, and accessible to students at many different levels. The volume lends itself well to many different disciplines and a wide variety of courses."—Edwin Clausen, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College, Daemen College

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