The Cultural Heritage Conservation Experience in China  Paid

The Critical Decade

by Jixiang Shan (Author)
©2023, Monographs, 12, 564 Pages
Science, Society & Culture



This book summarizes China's ten-year experience of cultural heritage protection by providing case analysis of both successful and unsatisfying practices. It is written with an academic perspective and based on the author's real practice. The first part highlights the cultural distinction in urban planning; the second part analyzes the cultural heritage protection concept and practice in China's urbanization; the third part focuses on China's museums in a revolutionary era. The book records the development stages of China's cultural heritage protection theory and practice and shows the challenges in the new era. It answers questions such as how to protect historic community and villages, how to protect the heritage site and build heritage parks, and what is the role of museums regarding social responsibility and people's well-being. Cultural heritage and museum planning are closely linked to the economy, urban life, and local memory. China's experience in the past decade is also meaningful to cultural protection courses on an international level.

12, 564
9781433169076 (Active)
9781433177958 (Active)
9781433177941 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2023. XII, 564 pp.

Shan Jixiang, nicknamed the "Gatekeeper of the Palace," is the former chief-curator of the world-renowned Palace Museum and former Director of China National Cultural Heritage Administration. He injected new vitality into Chinese cultural heritage and put the Palace Museum to public discussion.

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