Study on Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Southeast Asia  Paid

by Jun Chen (Author)
©2022, 8, 248 Pages



This book is concerned with the historical fact of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese living in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos before 1949.

Against the social background of acute class and ethnic conflicts in Yunnan in modern times, many Chinese people had immigrated. The immigration of overseas Chinese of Yunnan origin was influenced by the condition of transportation. There were economic and political reasons for the immigration, and the former was the chief reason.

Myanmar was a preferred destination for emigration. The Chinese immigrants of Yunnan origin there were mainly engaged in business and mining, supplemented by agriculture and handicraft. Overseas Chinese received different treatments by different countries in different periods: sometimes they were well-received and accepted, while sometimes isolated, suppressed, and cracked down.

Overseas Chinese had made indelible contributions to the agriculture, industry, commerce, culture, and education in both their adopted homeland and their country of origin.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Republic of China, the central government and the local government of Yunnan implemented different overseas Chinese policies. The overseas Chinese policy of the Yunnan government in the Republican Era were all in all a success. They were a foundation of the overseas Chinese policy adopted by the government of the People's Republic of China.

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
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  • Contents
  • Introduction
    • The Academic Value and Practical Significance of the Topic
    • Current Situation of the Study
      • I. Studies on the History of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin Migrating to Southeast Asia
      • II. Studies on Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Myanmar
      • III. Studies on Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Thailand
      • IV. Studies on Hometowns of Overseas Chinese in Yunnan Province
      • V. Studies on Overseas Chinese in Yunnan’s Chronicles
    • Guiding Principles and Methodology
    • Definitions of Key Concepts
    • References
  • 1. Reasons for Going Abroad
    • Section 1 Social Conflicts in Modern Yunnan
      • I. Increasingly Concentrated Land Ownership
      • II. Exorbitant Feudal Land Tax
      • III. A Wide Range of Corvée
      • IV. Exploitation by Loan Sharks
      • V. Severe Ethnic Oppression
      • VI. Frequent Natural Disasters
      • VII. Invasion and Pillage by Western Powers
      • VIII. Ceaseless Revolts
    • Section 2 The Impact of Yunnan’s Transportation on Overseas Chinese Going Abroad
      • I. Chinese Merchants of Yunnan Origin Began to Take Up Residence Abroad as Foreign Lands Became Accessible to Yunnan in Qin and Han Dynasties
      • II. Overseas Chinese Grew in Numbers as Transportation from Yunnan to Foreign Countries Expanded in Tang and Song Dynasties
      • III. Number of Outgoing Overseas Chinese Spiked as Trade Flourished with the Development of Transportation in Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties
      • IV. Number of Outgoing Overseas Chinese Reached the Climax with the Coexistence of Railways, Highways, and Trade Caravans in Modern Times
    • Section 3 Why People from Yunnan Emigrate
      • I. Political Reasons
      • II. Economic Reasons
      • III. Several Issues Related to Emigration Motives
    • References
  • 2. Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam before 1949
    • Section 1 Economic Activities and Social Life of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Myanmar
      • I. The Migration of Chinese of Yunnan Origin to Myanmar
      • II. Economic Activities and Social Lives of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Myanmar
      • III. Myanmar’s Overseas Chinese Policy
    • Section 2 Economic Activities and Social Life of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Thailand
      • I. The History of Chinese of Yunnan Origin Living in Thailand
      • II. Communities of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Thailand and Their Economic Activities and Cultural Life
      • III. Overseas Chinese Policy of the Thai Government
    • Section 3 Economic Activities and Social Life of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Laos
      • I. Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin Living in Laos
      • II. Economic Activities and Social Life of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Laos
      • III. The Overseas Chinese Policy of Laos
    • Section 4 Economic Activities and Social Life of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Vietnam
      • I. Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Vietnam
      • II. Economic Activities and Social Life of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin in Vietnam
      • III. Vietnam’s Overseas Chinese Policy
    • References
  • 3. Major Contributions of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin
    • Section 1 Boost to the Economic and Cultural Development of Their Adopted Homeland
      • I. Contributions in Respect of the Construction of Towns
      • II. Contributions to Agriculture
      • III. Contributions to Industry
      • IV. Contributions to Commerce
      • V. Contributions to Education
      • VI. Integration with the Southeast Asian Peoples
    • Section 2 Serving in the Wars of National Liberation in the Countries of Residence
      • I. Serving in Myanmar’s Struggle against British Colonists
      • II. Serving in the War against the Invasion of French Colonists
      • III. Serving in the War of Laos against the Invasion of French Colonists
    • Section 3 Supporting the Democratic Revolution and Economic Construction in Their Country of Origin
      • I. Supporting the Revolutionary Cause of Dr. Sun Yat-sen
      • II. Supporting China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
      • III. Supporting Economic and Social Development in Their Hometown
    • References
  • 4. A Study of Yunnan’s Policies on Overseas Chinese Affairs from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republican Era
    • Section 1 Ming Government Policies on Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin
      • I. Ming Dynasty Policy on Overseas Chinese
      • II. Ming Dynasty Policy on Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin
    • Section 2 Qing Government Policies on Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin
      • I. Qing Dynasty Policy on Overseas Chinese
      • II. Yunnan’s Overseas Chinese Policy during the Qing Dynasty
    • Section 3 Yunnan Government’s Overseas Chinese Policy in the Republican Era
      • I. Overseas Chinese Policy of the Government of the Republic of China
      • II. The Overseas Chinese Policy and Practice of the Yunnan Government in the Republican Era
    • References
  • Conclusion: Reflections on the History and Social Status of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin
    • The Hard Life of Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese of Yunnan Origin
    • The Accomplishments of the Earlier Generations of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin
    • A Proper Understanding of the Relationship between Overseas Chinese, Their Adopted Homeland and China Is Imperative
      • I. Southeast Asian Countries and Overseas Chinese Society Should Treat Each Other Rightly
      • II. Proper Handling of the Relationships between China and Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese Is Imperative
    • Realizing the Full Potential of Overseas Chinese of Yunnan Origin as Contributors to Reform and Opening Up
      • I. Yunnan Overseas Chinese Towns Are Mostly Found Along the Traffic Routes Near Southeast Asian Countries
      • II. Distinct Features and Advantages of Hometowns to Overseas Chinese from Yunnan
      • III. Maximizing Their Contributions
8, 248
9781433180385 (Active)
9781433180361 (Active)
9781433180354 (Active)
New York, Berlin, Bruxelles, Lausanne, Oxford, 2022. VIII, 256 pp.,1 table.

Chen Jun is an associate professor of the School of History and Archives of Yunnan University. Now he is teaching in Yuxi Normal University and is a senior talent of the university, a doctor of history and a supervisor of postgraduate. His main research interests are the history of overseas Chinese and Chinese modern history. He has published more than ten academic papers.

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