Lorca’s Immanent Mysticism  Paid

by Patricia A. Fitzpatrick (Author)
©2023, Monographs, 10, 206 Pages
Romance Studies



This book explores Federico García Lorca’s late poetry and drama within its context of mysticism. Lorca’s singular language reveals compelling evidence of innate spiritual potential, influenced by poets from Christian, Sufi, Buddhist, and other mystic traditions, from his earliest works to its culmination in the technical mastery of his last poems. Guided by musicality and polyvalence, close readings of The Tamarit Divan, Sonnets of Dark Love, and Yerma offer a novel approach to seemingly obscure texts that resist conventional analysis.

The methodology of Lorca’s Immanent Mysticism adheres to the poet-playwright’s own aesthetic theory. For Lorca, duende-inspired creation calls for equally inspired reception within true artistic experience. This groundbreaking study places Lorca not only within a contemporary spectrum of Modernist production, but, more importantly, within the framework of a new mysticism for our time.

Note on Translations
1 Immanent Mysticism
The Ambiguity of Mysticism
Was Lorca a Mystic?
Primitivism, Mysticism and Duende
The Evolution of Lorquian Mysticism
2 Mystic Echoes in the Early Works
Primitivism, Pantheism and Poetics: Book of Poems and The Butterfly’s Evil Spell
Elusive Transcendence: Lorca and Fray Luis de León
The Early Works as Steppingstone
3 Echoes of the Masters in the Late Works
Christian Mystic Poetry
Sufi Mystic Poetry
Beneath the Surface of Resonance
4 Immanent Mysticism in the Late Works
The Tamarit Divan
Sonnets of Love
The Mystic Origin of Lorca’s Poetics
5 ‘No Boundaries or Limits, Only an Admirable Freedom’
Lorca’s Sacred Language
Inspired Creation, Inspired Reception
Lorca and Modernism
Conclusions: Lorca as Precursor to Modern Mysticism
10, 206
9781433192418 (Active)
9781433192548 (Active)
9781433192531 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2023. X, 206 pp.

Patricia A. Fitzpatrick (Ph.D., Florida International University) is Associate Professor of Spanish at the State University of New York at New Paltz. She has published numerous articles on 20th-21st century Spanish poetry, drama and xfilm, as well as transatlantic studies.

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