The New Dynamics of Development  Paid

The Crisis of Globalization and China’s Solutions

by Ding Yifan (Author)
©2023, Monographs, 14, 276 Pages
Law, Economics & Management



Today, the United States seems to be taking a leading role in anti-globalization. What impact will this have on the future of globalization and the development of the world economy? How should developing countries respond to the changes? This book systematically collates and analyzes China’s unique development model while reflecting on China’s challenges and countermeasures in the face of the globalization crisis. The author shares his in-depth thinking on many trending issues such as technological innovation, green development, financial reform, international cooperation, and China’s foreign relations. This book highlights the urgency and necessity of global governance to achieve the common good in the global community, and it also reflects China’s long-term commitments and practices to contribute to peacebuilding and sustainable development.

The target readers of this book are scholars, analysts, instructors, and students in the fields of regional studies (especially China studies), economics, and political science. This book and the selected chapters could be used as additional reading materials for English-taught courses about Chinese studies, economics, and political science.

About the author
About the book
This eBook can be cited
China’s Unique Development Path
What Drives China’s Economic Growth under the “New Normal”?
Consumption Growth for Sustainable Development in China
Sharing Economy to Improve People’s Welfare
Self-Dependent Innovation and Foreign Talents
The Mass Foundation of China’s Technological Innovation
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The Difficult Start of China’s Equipment Manufacturing Industry
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The Development of China’s Equipment Manufacturing Industry Drives Economic Growth
The Reform and Development of China’s Financial System
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Improving Financial Markets
The World Trade Organization and the Reform of China’s Financial System
Future Trends in the Reform of China’s Financial System
How to Better Use China’s Massive Foreign Exchange Reserves
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Dialectical Views on China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves
Increasing Outward Investment and Warding off Investment Traps
China’s International Discourse Power
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The Building of Discourse
How China Builds Its International Discourse
The Rise of China’s National Power and Its International Status
China’s Institutional Advantage
The Myth of “Democracy”
Socialist Democracy and China’s Institutional Advantage
From Prioritizing Ideology to Improving Professional Civil Services
Pragmatism and the Chinese Political and Cultural Traditions
The Crisis of Globalization and China’s Solutions
The Globalization Crisis and the New Globalization
Deregulation and Globalization
The Apparent Prosperity of the U.S. Economy and the Crisis of Legitimacy of U.S. Politics
The Bumpy Prospects of Globalization
The Future of Globalization and China’s Strategic Choice
Global Governance and the New Globalization
What Is G20
The Roles of the G20
Rebuilding the Discourse of International Trade
Financial System Reform for Real Economic Development
How to Improve Global Governance
China’s New Beginning to Lead Globalization
How China and the U.S. Can Achieve Mutual Benefits
U.S.-China Economic Cooperation and the U.S. Policy Turn
Variable Sum Game between the U.S. and China
The U.S. Cannot Contain China’s Development
China’s Reform and Innovation and U.S. Stagnation
U.S.-China Coopetition and World Economic Development
Constructive Partnership between China and the EU in the Process of Globalization
The EU’s Failure to Recognize China’s “Market Economy Status”
The Competitive Relationship between China and the EU
The Negative Impact of the EU Decision-making Mechanism on China-EU Relations
Prospects for China-EU Relations
The Rise of the BRICS
Born in the Wave of Globalization
Institutionalized BRICS Cooperation
BRICS and the G20
BRICS and Counter-Globalization
BRICS Lead the World Economy
How Could China Contribute to The Development in Africa?
Africa During the Cold War Era
Democratization and Social Collapse in Africa
China’s Aid to Africa
China Should Expand Its Soft Power Influence
Accelerating the Pace of RMB Investment in Africa
Building a Community of Shared Future
A Community of Shared Future Will Break the Shackles of National Blocs
The Cosmopolitan World Is the Ideal Form of Human Society in Chinese Culture
Improving the Global Governance System
The Belt and Road Initiative for Building a Community of Shared Future
14, 276
9781433193200 (Active)
9781433193224 (Active)
9781433193217 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2023. XIV, 276 pp.

Dr. Ding Yifan graduated from the University of Bordeaux. He once served as the Deputy Director of the Institute of World Development of the Development Research Center of China’s State Council.

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