The Wolfhounds of Irish-American Nationalism  Paid

A History of Clan na Gael, 1867-present.

by Seán Creagh (Author)
©2023, Monographs, 12, 294 Pages
History & Political Science



As Ireland’s oldest revolutionary movement and America’s oldest transatlantic nationalist organization this is the first book covering the entire history of Clan na Gael. Formed in 1867 and existing up to the present Clan na Gael has been involved directly and indirectly in every violent revolutionary attempt for Irish independence and unification since its formation 155 years ago. Despite this long history it is the least studied and most underappreciated of Ireland’s revolutionary movements. A large part of this is due to academic bias and major under appreciation as to the role of Irish America within the broader struggle for Irish independence. Clan na Gael’s influence also went well beyond the borders of Ireland. Within the U.S Clan na Gael proved a major model of influence and inspiration for movements such as Zionism, Indian nationalists, African American nationalists and even the Suffragette movement among others. This book attempts to give this long-neglected movement its proper place within the annals of Irish history as well as that of Anglo-American relations and transatlantic nationalism.

Contents: Revolutionary Origins – The Birth of Clan na Gael – 1870s – Phoenix Rising – The New Departure – From Politics to the Bomb – The Case of Dr Cronin – Domestic Rebuilding and Global Anti-Imperialism –The Road to Insurrection – Woodrow Wilson, Clan na Gael and the Election of 1912 – The Drumbeat of War – 1912–1914 – Clan na Gael and Imperial Germany – The Opening Round – Aftermath of the Easter Rising in the U.S. – Clan na Gael as a Global Revolutionary Model after 1916 – A Struggle on Two Fronts, 1917–1918 – Political Situation in Ireland, 1916–1919 – Revival of Clan na Gael and Friends of Irish Freedom – Eamon De Valera and Irish-America – De Valera and Clan na Gael – A Divide Too Great – the Split of 1920 – Clan na Gael and the Irish Civil War – The Decline of Clan na Gael during the 1920s – Rebuilding the Clan – The 1930s – WW2, the Nazi Connection and the S-Plan – 1945–1968 – Political Wilderness – Clan na Gael and the Northern Ireland Conflict.

12, 294
9781800799967 (Active)
9781803740294 (Active)
9781803740287 (Active)
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Wien, 2023. XII, 294 pp., 7 fig. b/w.

Seán Creagh was born in County Monaghan in 1977. He attended Our Lady’s Secondary School in Castleblayney and later on Dundalk Institute of Technology. After moving to the U.S and developing an intense interest in Irish American history he attended Northeastern Illinois University where he achieved an Honors Degree in History as well as Honors in Education. Today he is a middle school Social Studies teacher in Illinois.

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