Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) of Subtitles  Paid

Criteria for the Evaluation of Persian Subtitles of English Movies Focusing on Semiotic Model of TQA for Poetry Translation and Appraisal Theory

by Yasamin Khosravani (Author)
©2019, Thesis, 196 Pages

Series: Sprache – Kultur – Gesellschaft, Volume 19



Translation quality assessment (TQA) is a growing topic in the field of Translation Studies. The present book focuses mainly on the translation quality assessment in Persian subtitles of English movies as an almost ignored topic in Translation Studies. The aim is to propose criteria for the evaluation of subtitles. To reach this goal, the author divides the case studies of the present research into two subcategories, i.e., musical movies and non-musical ones. The base for the quality assessment of musical movies is the Semiotic Model of TQA for poetry applied to three movie subtitles, «Anastasia, «Sweeney Todd» and «Les Misérables». This leads to a tentative model for the evaluation of Persian subtitles of English musical movies. The second part of the book focuses mainly on the omission of the interpersonal elements in Persian subtitles of English movies using appraisal theory as the theoretical framework. The theory is applied to the subtitles of two movies, «Prisoners» and «Houdini» leading to criteria for the evaluation of Persian subtitles of English movies.    

Subtitles and TQA — Musical Movies –TQA – Evaluation of Subtitles –Translation Quality Assessment – Subtitling – Semiotic Model of TQA – Poetry Translation – Appraisal Theory – Interpersonal Elements of Language – Interpersonal Elements of Omission

9783631770108 (Active)
9783631771082 (Active)
9783631771075 (Active)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 193 S., 2 farb. Abb., 31 s/w Abb., 9 Tab., 2 Graf.

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