The Idea of Political Representation and Its Paradoxes  Open Access

by Andrzej Waśkiewicz (Author)
©2020, Monographs, 272 Pages
History & Political Science
Open Access

Series: Studies in Philosophy, Culture and Contemporary Society, Volume 24



If we want to understand the vicissitudes of modern democracy then, argues the author, we need to analyse the ideas upon which representative government is based rather than compare contemporary conditions with the Greek ideal. These principal ideas have been presented clearly in past centuries, when the relation between democracy and representation was still a matter of political judgement. The old masters of political thinking clarified the functions of representation: legitimising power, creating sovereignty but also setting its limits, and pursuing the common good while still reflecting social diversity. Because institutions of representation are expected to fulfil a variety of functions, these institutions have in recent times come under attack for standing in the way of radical programs for democratising democracy. The author of this book reminds us that these functions are necessary in every political order, whether democratic or not. Instead of rejecting representation, political theorists should focus on making government more accountable.

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • Introduction to the English-language edition
  • Representation as an impediment to democratisation of democracy
  • Representation and the legitimisation of power
    • Aristotle’s Legacy
    • Government in the service of the highest happiness: De regimine by St. Thomas Aquinas
    • Power in the service of the unity of humankind: Monarchy by Dante Alighieri
    • Power by the will of God and the people: The Defender of the Peace by Marsilius of Padua
    • Top-down representation – bottom-up representation: the two sources of legitimisation of secular power
  • Representation and sovereignty of power
    • Sovereign, or unlimited, power
    • Sovereign power against representation: Six Books of the Commonwealth by Jean Bodin
    • Sovereign power, thanks to representation: Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
    • Representation: sovereign rule over the author
  • Representation and a limitation of power
    • A limitation of power, or the security of the ruled
    • A representative government of a political society: Second Treatise of the Government by John Locke
    • A power against a power – a party against a party: The Spirit of the Laws by Montesquieu
    • A balance of interests and a natural elite: The Federalist Papers
    • Representation and limited government: instincts and institutions
  • Representation and the common good
    • The common good and the procedures for defining it
    • Deliberation of the representatives of the nation: ‘Speech to the Electors of Bristol on Being Elected’ by Edmund Burke
    • A reformed Polish diet, i.e. an assembly of accountable delegates: Considerations on the Government of Poland by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    • The rule of an intellectual elite in the representative body: Considerations on Representative Government by John Stuart Mill
    • Representation of the common good: representativeness in the representative body and a deliberating elite
  • Representation and social diversity
    • Social diversity as a problem of political institutions
    • Representation of representative interest: James Mill’s Essay on Government
    • The functional representation of associations: George Douglas Howard Cole’s The Social Theory
    • Representation of civil society: Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
    • A diversified society and a diversity of representative government
  • A contribution to the normative theory of representation
    • Representation as a concept connecting the normative and descriptive theories of democracy
    • A realistic theory of representative government and ‘another’ theory of democracy by Joseph Schumpeter
    • The paradoxes of the idea of representation, i.e. the classics’ contribution to the contemporary normative theory of representative government
  • Bibliography
  • Index
9783631803882 (Active)
9783631806029 (Active)
9783631806012 (Active)
Open Access:
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 272 pp.

Andrzej Waśkiewicz teaches history of social and political ideas at the Institute of Sociology and the Collegium Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw. He has authored numerous publications, including books on asocial philosophy of life, political theory and methods of its interpretation.

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