Aesthetics in Dialogue  Paid

Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World

by Zoltan Somhegyi (Edited), Max Ryynänen (Edited)
©2020, Edited Collection, 344 Pages
Theology & Philosophy



The impact of aesthetics is increasing again. For today’s scholars, aesthetic theories are a significant companion and contribution in studying and ana-lysing cultural phenomena and production. Today’s scene of aesthetics is more global than what it is in most disciplines, as it does not just include scholars from all over the world, but also keeps on applying philosophical traditions globally
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
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  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • I: Past, Contemporary, Future
    • 1 Collective Memorials in the Face of Loss: The Multiple Roles of the Aesthetic (Kathleen Higgins)
    • 2 The Rhythm of Time in Everyday Aesthetics (Elisabetta Di Stefano)
    • 3 Contemporaneity, a Sublime Experience? (Jacob Lund)
    • 4 Uchronia and Somaesthetics: Somaesthetics as Uchronia (András Czeglédi)
  • II: Urban and Popular Culture
    • 5 Archipelagal Thinking: The Geofilosofia of Massimo Cacciari (Tyrus Miller)
    • 6 The Varieties of Kitsch: Ethical, Artistic and Political Dimensions (Katya Mandoki)
    • 7 Rasa Industry: (Notes on) Classical Indian Aesthetics and Contemporary TV Series (Max Ryynänen)
    • 8 Social-Aesthetic Constructs: Peripheral Cultural Phenomena in a New Key (Rodrigo Duarte)
  • III: Aesthetic Approaches to Aesthetic Practices
    • 9 Questions not Answers: The Usefulness of the Philosophy of Art to Artistic Practice & Education (Matthew Rowe)
    • 10 Studio Practice as Aesthetic Experience (Izmer Bin Ahmad)
    • 11 From Worth to Algorithms: The Role and Dimensions of Authorship in the Field(s) of Fashion Design (Natalia Särmäkari)
    • 12 Material Events, Vibrant Essences and Resonant Atmospheres: An Approach to Perfumery in the Light of Contemporary Aesthetics (Mădălina Diaconu)
  • IV: Care, Restoration and Environment
    • 13 Aesthetics of Care (Yuriko Saito)
    • 14 For the Sake of Authenticity: Philosophical Concerns in Art Conservation (Lisa Giombini)
    • 15 Buildings as Objects of Care in the Urban Environment (Sanna Lehtinen)
    • 16 Aesthetics of the Past and the Future: Human Life within Changing Environments (Yvonne Förster)
    • 17 Towards a Media Ecology of Sense Acts (Ksenia Fedorova)
  • V: Reframing the Tradition
    • 18 What Kind of Aesthetics Are We Looking for and Why? (Adrián Kvokačka)
    • 19 Towards a Topology of Aesthetic Immersion (Harri Mäcklin)
    • 20 Aesthetic Prospects and Prospects of the Aesthetic: Variations on the Sublime in Natural and Altered Environments (Zoltán Somhegyi)
    • 21 A Philosophico-Aesthetical Dilemma? Assessing Abhinavagupta’s Chapter-Invocatory Verses in His Commentary to Bharata’s Nāṭyaśāstra (S. Bhuvaneshwari)
    • 22 Autonomy and Society with Hito Steyerl and Ryoji Ikeda: How to Use Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory Now? (Petteri Enroth)
  • Index
  • About the Authors
9783631792186 (Active)
9783631815953 (Active)
9783631815946 (Active)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 344 pp., 5 fig. b/w.
Zoltán Somhegyi is a Hungarian art historian and Chair of the Department of Fine Arts at the College of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, and from September 2020 he will continue as Associate Professor of Art History at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.Max Ryynänen is a senior lecturer of theory of visual culture at Aalto Uni-versity in Finland and editor-in-chief of The Journal of Somaesthetics and of Popular Inquiry

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