Neo-PR  Paid

Public Relations in a Postmodern World

by Christopher Caldiero (Author)
©2016, Textbook, XI, 135 Pages
Media & Communication



Christopher Caldiero examines new ways of thinking about public relations practice in today’s technological and postmodern world. His concept of «Neo-PR» and its thought-provoking principles re-examines and re-frames modernistic notions of public relations for today’s burgeoning PR practitioners. The book begins by looking at the historical development of the public relations field in the context of the modernism movement of the early twentieth century. Drawing parallels to this movement, Caldiero argues that public relations practice was inevitably shaped by modernistic thinking. Using a series of recent and prevalent public relations cases, he then shines new light on different ways public relations can and must be practiced in our different world. These cases and organizations include the British Petroleum Deepwater Horizon crisis, Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood, The Boy Scouts of America, Penn State University, and SeaWorld. Neo-PR: Public Relations in a Postmodern World re-conceptualizes public relations as we’ve come to know it, and helps to prepare today’s undergraduate and graduate public relations students for our postmodern world.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Modernism and Public Relations
Chapter 2: Postmodernism, Public Relations, and Neo-PR
Chapter 3: British Petroleum’s “Voices From the Gulf”
Chapter 4: Susan G. Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood
Chapter 5: The Boy Scouts of America
Chapter 6: Penn State University
Chapter 7: SeaWorld and Blackfish
Appendix A: Key Moments in the BP Oil Spill Timeline
Appendix B: BP Voices From the Gulf
Appendix C: Key Moments in the Susan G. Komen/Planned Parenthood Timeline
Appendix D: Key Moments in the History of the Boy Scouts of America
Appendix E: Key Events in the Penn State Timeline
Appendix F: Key Moments in the SeaWorld/Blackfish Story
Appendix G: SeaWorld’s Response to Blackfish with Responses from the Filmmakers
XI, 135
9781433125348 (Active)
9781454196488 (Active)
9781453916605 (Active)
9781454196419 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2016. XI, 135 pp.
Christopher Caldiero (PhD., Rutgers University) is Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Fairleigh Dickinson University. His work has appeared in the Journal of Public Relations Research and the American Communication Journal. He is the winner of three top paper awards from the National Communication Association.
«[...] with his postmodernist analysis and his bold, insightful call for a “neo” approach to PR, Caldiero has provided scholars, students, and practitioners with a valuable liberal arts context in which to consider how one studies and practices the profession of PR.»
(Ray Begovich, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 94(3) 2017)

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