Forces of Secularity in the Modern World  Paid

Volume 2

by Stephen Strehle (Author)
©2020, Monographs, VIII, 250 Pages
Theology & Philosophy

Series: Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture, Volume 14



Stephen Strehle continues his detailed analysis of the secular forces that shape the modern world in this second and final volume to the study, offering a fresh perspective and solid philosophical, theological, and historical conclusions from his years of research. He continues to find forces of secularity embodied in social or political institutions, cultural dispositions or interests, and new or disturbing intellectual realities that challenge former religious perspectives. The present work starts out examining two powerful institutions of culture, the American university and Hollywood, and explains their place in promoting the secular mentality. The study then shows the secular mentality permeating society as the culture starts to accent the materialistic concerns of technology and divorce religion from the practical and social concerns of everyday life. The study completes the analysis with a discussion of intellectual problems that confront the old-time religion or even the very possibility of faith in the modern world, particularly pointing to the rise of biblical criticism and the rejection of all God-talk among critical philosophers. Like the first volume, the present work is accessible to most upper-level and graduate students in a wide-variety of disciplines, keeping technical and foreign words to a minimum and leaving scholarly details or debates to its extensive notes.

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • IV The Ascension of the Secular Left to Institutions of Power
    • Chapter Eight The Development of Liberal and Secular Universities
    • Chapter Nine The Entertainment Industry
  • V Worldly and Other-Worldly Secularity
    • Chapter Ten Technology
    • Chapter Eleven Protestantism and New Testament Christianity
  • VI Problems with the Existence, Knowledge, and Revelation of God
    • Chapter Twelve The Challenge of Biblical Criticism for Conservative Christians
    • Chapter Thirteen Pre-Modern Philosophical Skepticism from Ockham to Hume
    • Chapter Fourteen Modern Philosophical Skepticism in Kant and the Post-Kantian World
  • Summary
  • Index
  • Series index
VIII, 250
9781433156205 (Active)
9781433156229 (Active)
9781433156212 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2020. VIII, 250 pp.

Stephen Strehle has doctoral degrees from the Universität Basel and Dallas Theological Seminary in Church History and Systematic Theology. He is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Christopher Newport University, director of its Program in Judeo-Christian Studies, and author of many books and articles on the Reformation and church/state issues.

“In Forces of Secularity in the Modern World Stephen Strehle gives an excellent account of how our current culture has come to reject the Christian worldview and embrace radical secularization. Strehle masterfully shows how the industries of entertainment, academia, journalism, and technology have led us to a point where secularism is exalted, and religion is treated as profane.”—Shannon Holzer, Editor, Routledge Handbook of Church and State

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