The Struggle for the Scepter  Paid

A Study of the British Monarchy and Parliament in the Eighteenth Century

by Clayton Roberts (Author), Stewart Dippel (Volume editor)
©2020, Monographs, XII, 356 Pages
History & Political Science



The Struggle for the Scepter offers a richly-detailed narrative history of the relationship between the British Parliament and the Crown during the 18th century. Drawing on extensive primary source documents—including political pamphlets, diaries, and correspondence exchanged by major political players of the period—the book traces the gradual decline of the Crown’s power throughout the century, such that by 1800, political power had shifted to what might be called a modern parliamentary system.

The Struggle for the Scepter persuasively links this significant shift to the British nation’s recognition of five principal truths by century’s end: [1] That unified political parties based on principle rather than personality were here to stay. [2] That this was a good thing, in part because without party organization and party discipline it proved impossible to manage a House of Commons of roughly 550 Members; and, in part because the notion of a loyal Opposition came to be seen as beneficial, both for the sake of overseeing public administration and checking not only royal power but the power of a parliamentary majority. [3] That the Monarch must only appoint as ministers those that commanded a majority in the House of Commons. [4] That with regards to policy the Monarch must accept the dictates of those ministers. [5] That the organization of the parliamentary majority centered on a First, or Prime, Minister who headed a unified Cabinet; that is, a Cabinet based on collective responsibility and a Cabinet which spoke with one voice, through the Cabinet Minute, to the Monarch.

Clayton Roberts brings his shrewd command of British political history to bear on this meticulously researched and fascinating account of a turbulent and transformative century in British politics. The result is an engaging and insightful work that should appeal to scholars, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates interested in the origins of the British parliamentary system and political history more broadly.

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Editor’s Preface
  • Editor’s Introduction
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • 1 The Rise and Fall of Sir Robert Walpole
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • 2 The Reign of the Pelhams
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • 3 The Strange Career of Mr. William Pitt
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • 4 Lord Rockingham and the Failure of Parliamentary Undertaking
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • 5 Lord North and the Failure of Court Management
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • 6 The Younger Pitt and the Erosion of Royal Power
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • Conclusion
    • Notes
    • Bibliography
  • Index
XII, 356
9781433167485 (Active)
9781433167508 (Active)
9781433167492 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2020. XII, 356 pp.

The late Clayton Roberts received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. From 1952 to 1991 he was Professor of History at Ohio State University. Among his books are a textbook of English/British history, co-authored with his brother David, and a book on historiography. His scholarly focus, however, was on the political history of England during the 17th century. He published two books on this topic. This book is in a sense a sequel advancing the argument into the 18th century.

Stewart Dippel received his Ph.D. from Ohio State University under the guidance of Clayton Roberts. Since 1992 he has been Professor of History and Political Science at the University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, Arkansas. Four of his books focus on 17th-century religious history in England.

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