Sista Talk Too  Paid

by Rochelle Brock (Author)
©2019, XXXVIII, 148 Pages

Series: Counterpoints, Volume 530



In Sista Talk Too, Rochelle Brock brings meaningful new material which evokes and updates her past examination of Black women in today’s culture. The first Sista Talk: The Personal and the Pedagogical is an inquiry into the questions of how Black women define their existence in a society which devalues, dehumanizes, and silences their beliefs. Placing herself inside of the research, Rochelle Brock invited the reader on a journey of self-exploration, as she and seven of her Black female students investigate their collective journey toward self-awareness in the attempt to liberate their minds and souls from ideological domination. Throughout, Sista Talk attempted to understand the ways in which this self-exploration informs her pedagogy. Combining Black feminist and Afrocentric theory with critical pedagogy, Sista Talk Too frames the parameters for an Afrowomanist pedagogy of wholeness for teaching Black students and strength in dealing with an unpredictable and often unstable view of the future. Rochelle Brock brings us something to be remembered by, chapters and writings from students and colleagues to help us survive and thrive in this world…all in the spirit of love, life, and Oshun.

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication Page
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • Words Spoken Beforehand
  • A Note from the Editor about Sista Talk Too
  • Foreword: On Passionate Pedagogies
  • Shout Outs—revised
  • Talk Two … Prologue to Prologue
  • Dreaming of Revolution: My Struggle to Understand the Assault on Blackness
  • I Am
  • Prologue: Crossing the Bridge with Lessons I’ve Learned
  • Transition: A War with Words
  • Chapter One Theories of the Other: Resistance and Acceptance
  • Reflection: scrambled eggs over medium
  • Chapter Two A Conversation with My Goddess Oshun: A Theoretical Framework in the Making
  • Transition: My Manifesto of Education
  • Chapter Three We Said It: The Method to Our Madness
  • Reflection: SILENCE
  • Chapter Four Sista to Sista to Sista: A Story in Three Acts
  • Reflection: “I really don’t breathe, that’s part of my problem”
  • Chapter Five A Pedagogy of Wholeness: Part One—The Theory
  • Transition: Michael
  • Chapter Six A Pedagogy of Wholeness: Part Two—The Practice
  • Transition: Reflecting on Self
  • Chapter Seven The End of My Beginning
  • Continuing the Conversation: Sistas Are Still Talkin’
  • Appendix A The Methodology of Sista Dialogue: Safe Spaces for Being Us
  • Appendix B The Boring but Necessary Stuff
  • References
  • Studies in Criticality
9781433126512 (Active)
9781433171154 (Active)
9781433168925 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2019. XXXVIII, 148 pp.

Rochelle Brock is Professor and Department Chair of Educational Leadership and Cultural Foundations at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. She received her PhD from Pennsylvania State University in curriculum and instruction and is the founding Series Editor for Black Studies and Critical Thinking with Peter Lang Publishing.

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