English Lexicography from British Tradition to World Englishes  Paid

by Heming Yong (Author)
©2022, 8, 194 Pages



This book unfolds chronologically, comprehensively and coherently, for the first time and under one cover, a spectacular landscape of how lexicographies of core native-speaker varieties of English (other than British English) originate and develop, directly or indirectly, from their British roots to current shapes and prosperity, tracing their evolutional links with and inheritance from British (occasionally American) lexicographical tradition, their interrelation to socio-cultural settings, as well as their reformation and divergences through innovation and self-expansion.

This pioneering work gives special focus to many unknown aspects and areas of world English lexicography and concludes with visions, prospects and possible transformations of its development in the 21st century. It is the first attempt to go beyond the traditional confines of ontological studies in the history of lexicography, integrating sociolinguistic and lexicographical approaches and setting the diachronic explorations of world English lexicography against the broad background of socio-cultural observations. It is the most updated and wide-ranging on the subject treated within a unified framework of English dictionary paradigms going from its archetype to the prescriptive, to the historical, to the descriptive and to the cognitive model.

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Chapter One British Lexicographical Tradition and the Development of World English Lexicography
    • 1.1 The Seeds of Latin Lexicography in Old English Glossaries and the Genesis of English Bilingual Lexicography from Latin Traditions
    • 1.2 The Prescriptive Tradition of Latin Grammar and the Making of Monolingual English Dictionaries in Britain
    • 1.3 The European Philological Tradition in English Lexicography and the Making of Historical Dictionaries in Britain
    • 1.4 The Descriptive Linguistic Paradigm and the Development of English Descriptive Dictionaries
    • 1.5 The Cognitive Linguistic Paradigm and the Making of Active English Dictionaries
    • 1.6 British Lexicographical Tradition and Its Impacts upon the Development of World English Lexicography
  • Chapter Two American English Lexicography and Its Inheritance and Reformation of British Lexicographical Tradition
    • 2.1 The Sociolinguistic Background for the Emergence and Development of American English Lexicography
    • 2.2 The Extension and Reformation of British Lexicographical Tradition in the Making of First American English Dictionaries
    • 2.3 Noah Webster’s Dictionaries and Their Leading Innovation upon British Lexicographical Traits
    • 2.4 The American “War of Dictionaries” and Joseph E. Worcester’s Lexicographical Predicament
    • 2.5 The Innovation of Compiling Philosophy in Other Major American Dictionaries of the 19th Century
    • 2.6 The Inheritance of British Lexicographical Tradition in the Prosperity of American General Dictionaries in the 20th Century
    • 2.7 The Continuation of British Pedagogical Traditions and the Making of American Learners Dictionaries in the 20th Century
    • 2.8 The Tolerant Attitude toward Regional Variants and the Making of American Pronouncing and Dialect Dictionaries in the 20th Century
    • 2.9 The Tradition of British Usage Studies and the Making of American Usage and Slang Dictionaries in the 20th Century
    • 2.10 The Tradition of British Semantic and Etymological Studies and the Making of American Thesauruses and Etymological Dictionaries in the 20th Century
    • 2.11 The Making of American Encyclopedic, Electronic, and Online Dictionaries in the 20th Century
    • 2.12 The Making of Other Types of Dictionaries and the Dictionary of World Englishes
    • 2.13 Summary
  • Chapter Three British Lexicographical Tradition and the Development of Australian English Lexicography
    • 3.1 The Extension of British Lexicographical Tradition in the Sprouting of Australian English Lexicography
    • 3.2 The Diversity of the Colonial Sociocultural Setting and the Early Development of Australian English Lexicography
    • 3.3 The Extension of British Slang Studies and the Making of Australian Dictionaries of Slang and Colloquialisms
    • 3.4 The Strengthened Sociocultural Consciousness and The Macquarie Dictionary
    • 3.5 Australia’s Oxford Path of Lexicographical Development and the Making of The Australian National Dictionary
  • Chapter Four British and American Lexicographical Tradition and the Making of Canadian English Dictionaries
    • 4.1 Canadian English and British Lexicographical Legacies in the Making of Dictionaries of Canadianisms
    • 4.2 The British and American Lexicographical Heritage in the Making of Canadian National Dictionaries
    • 4.3 The Oxford Collaboration and the Making of General Dictionaries of Canadian English
  • Chapter Five British Lexicographical Tradition in the Shaping of New Zealand English Lexicography
    • 5.1 The Pervasion of Māori into New Zealand English and the Making of First English and Māori Bilingual Dictionaries
    • 5.2 British Tradition in Nonstandard English Studies and Their Extension into the Making of Nonstandard English Dictionaries in New Zealand
    • 5.3 The Pivotal Role of Māori in the Development of New Zealand Bilingual Lexicography
    • 5.4 The Newly Emerging Factors and Oxford Lexicographical Involvement in the Prosperity of New Zealand Lexicography
  • Chapter Six The Extending Influence of British Lexicographical Tradition and the Shaping of South African English Lexicography
    • 6.1 The Background for the Sprouting of South African English Lexicography and the Establishment of DSAE
    • 6.2 South African English as a New and Developing Variety and the Inception of South African Monolingual Lexicography
    • 6.3 The Extending Influence of British Lexicographical Traditions and the Making of South African National Dictionaries
    • 6.4 The English Domination and the Development of South African Bilingual Lexicography
    • 6.5 Pharos Dictionaries and Other Types of Dictionary Making
  • Chapter Seven Prospects for the Development of World English Lexicography
  • Bibliography
  • Index
8, 194
9781433186967 (Active)
9781433192586 (Active)
9781433186974 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2022. VIII, 194 pp.

Heming Yong is currently a professor at Guangdong University of Finance, with a doctoral degree from Macquarie University. His academic interests include diachronic lexicography, communicative lexicography and translation studies. He has published several books and his research findings have been reviewed in prestigious journals in Denmark, the United Kingdom, Holland, Australia as well as China.

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