The Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance in the Health Sector in Africa  Paid

A Case Study of Uganda

by Cyriaque Sobtafo (Author)
©2023, 16, 136 Pages

Series: Africa in the Global Space, Volume 7



Over recent decades, developing nations have been the beneficiaries of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from European and North American countries. ODA remains the central mechanism in sustaining and financing actions and processes related to international development. Despite these investments, experts continue to raise concerns about Africa’s poor performance on several development indicators.

This book discusses the main challenges to aid effectiveness in Africa, with a specific focus on the health sector. It provides policymakers, scholars, and development experts with innovative strategies and policy recommendations for refining aid management. The book also provides critical analysis of several global developmental frameworks and related international action plans and commitments, ranging from the 2030 Global Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals to the Paris Climate Agreement. Lastly, the book also analyzes several theoretical frameworks on development, including modernization, world systems, international dependency, neoclassical growth, the concept of gross national happiness, and human development.

"Dr Sobtafo brings a wealth of experience and broad practice to bear in what is an important reflective analysis on aid effectiveness and the nexus with development performance. There are lessons and insights that reach beyond Africa."
—Michael Upton, New Zealand Ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union

"The book does first of all place people at the centre of the analysis, hence the pertinence of health and development as a focus. It further questions the common certainties on ODA and economic development and expands the discussion to include key drivers of human development and the necessity of partnership in an interdependent world. A pragmatic approach to deepen our understanding of complex issues that require more than simple solutions. Great ideas and questions for scholars, policy makers, and health and development practitioners."

— Elhadj As Sy, Chairman, Koffi Annan Foundation; Former Secretary General, The International Federation of Red Cross Crescent Societies (IFRC); and Former UNICEF Regional Director, Eastern and Southern Africa

Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Preface: “Improving governance and accountability as a key step in improving ODA effectiveness in Africa”
·1· Understanding the Problematic Relationship Between Official Development Assistance and Health Development Indicators in Africa
ODA and theoretical framework of development
The challenges of ODA and health development indicators
·2· Theoretical Framework of ODA
Modernization theory
World system theory
International dependency theory
The basic needs development model
The neoclassical growth theory
Gross national happiness
Human development model and human development index
·3· Global Development Framework and Related International Action Plans and Commitments
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
2030 Global Development Agenda
Other related global development frameworks and initiatives
·4· Historical Review of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Effectiveness
ODA architecture in the world
Management of ODA and aid effectiveness
·5· ODA to Health Sector
Aid effectiveness in the health sector: An overview
Health sector in Africa and ODA
The ODA in the health sector in Uganda
·6· ODA to the Ugandan Health Sector: Methodology of the Case Study
Research method
Research design
Research question
Sampling and setting
Data collection
Data analysis
Credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability
Ethics, informed consent and confidentiality
·7· ODA to Ugandan health Sector: Analysis of Results
Research Question and Interview Questions
Characteristics of participants
Emerging themes
Analysis of emerging themes
·8· Conclusion and Suggestions
Suggestions and policy implications
16, 136
9781433196515 (Active)
9781433196584 (Active)
9781433196577 (Active)
New York, Berlin, Bruxelles, Lausanne, Oxford, 2023. XVI, 136 pp., 2 b/w ill., 2 tables.

Dr. Cyriaque Rene Sobtafo Nguefack has over 25 years of experience serving as Senior International Development Expert at the United Nations. He has worked in Africa, North America, Europe, and Oceania. He holds a PhD in Management from the School of Advanced Studies at the University of Phoenix (US), a Dynamic Leadership Certificate from Harvard Business School (US), and an engineer’s degree in food technology from the University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon).

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