Modernitalia  Paid

Edited by Francesca Santovetti

by Jeffrey Schnapp (Author)
©2023, Edited Collection, 22, 316 Pages
Romance Studies



Modernitalia provides a map of the Italian twentieth century in the form of twelve essays by the celebrated cultural historian Jeffrey T. Schnapp. Shuttling back and forth between literature, architecture, design, and the visual arts, the volume explores the metaphysics of speed, futurist and dada typography, real and imaginary forms of architecture, shifting regimes of mass spectacle, the iconography of labour, exhibitions as modes of public mobilization and persuasion, and the emergence of industrial models of literary culture and communication.
The figures featured in the book include Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Mario Morasso, Julius Evola, Piero Portaluppi, Giuseppe Terragni, Alessandro Blasetti, Massimo Bontempelli, Giorgio de Chirico, Bruno Munari, Curzio Malaparte, and Henry Furst. Alongside these human protagonists appear granite blocks that drive the design of modern monuments, military searchlights that animate civilian shows, worker armies viewed as machines, sunglasses that tiptoe along the boundary of the private and public, newsreels as twentieth-century interpretations of Trajan’s column, and book covers and bindings that act as authorial self-portraits. The volume captures the Italian path to cultural modernity in all of its brilliance and multiplicity.
A Note on This Edition
Fig. 1 Page layout from Dadaphone
Fig. 2 Julius Evola, cover of La Parole obscure du paysage intérieur
Fig. 3 Julius Evola, The Dark Word
Fig. 4 Diagram inserted by Julius Evola into a letter to Tristan Tzara
Fig. 5 Piero Portaluppi, study of the SKNE skyscraper
Fig. 6 Piero Portaluppi, cartoon illustrating change in address of his studio
Fig. 7 Covers of Aedilitia I and Aedilitia II
Fig. 8 Piero Portaluppi, birds-eye view of urban plan for the imaginary city of Allabanuel
Fig. 9 Piero Portaluppi, perspective drawing of Hellytown
Fig. 10 Piero Portaluppi, three façade treatments for the STTS headquarters
Fig. 11 Piero Portaluppi, overhead perspective of Villa for Eight Couples
Fig. 12 Photograph of the current state of the Monument to Roberto Sarfatti
Fig. 13 Giuseppe Terragni, three drawings of plan for Monument to Roberto Sarfatti
Fig. 14 Giuseppe Terragni (with Piero Lingeri), model of the Danteum
Fig. 15 Giuseppe Terragni, model of Integral Reclamation Monument
Fig. 16 Xanti Schawinsky, 1934-XII, chromolithographic poster
Fig. 17 Page layout documenting the Gropius/Sebök Total Theatre project
Fig. 18 Carro di Tespi open air performance in Benevento
Fig. 19 Gaetano Ciocca, photograph of model of Theatre
Fig. 20 Boat bridge entrance to Theatre of Masses for Masses
Fig. 21 Cover of exhibition guide to the Mostra della Rivoluzione Fascista
Fig. 22 Photograph of the façade of the Esposizione dell’Aeronautica Italiana
Fig. 23 Photographs of the façade and interior of the Mostra Augustea della Romanità
Fig. 24 Photograph of the Circus Maximus exhibition grounds
Fig. 25 Artist unknown, publicity poster announcing the 1942 Rome Universal Exposition
Fig. 26 Klaus Lemke, ‘Solidarity Moves Forward’ poster
Fig. 27 Gerhard Bunke, ‘1 Mai 1980’, commercial chromolithograph
Fig. 28 Hans-Dieter Gumm, ‘Sorgt dafür, daß Friede bleibt!’
Fig. 29 Artist unknown, 1 Maja: święto Solidarności robotniczej
Fig. 30 Giorgio de Chirico, Portrait prémonitoire de Guillaume Apollinaire
Fig. 31 Giuseppe Penone, Rovesciare i propri occhi
Fig. 32 Mike Bidlo, photo of corner of artist’s studio
Fig. 33 Opening page of Zang Tumb Tuuum
Fig. 34 ‘Bilancio delle analogie’
Fig. 35 ‘Carta sincronica’
Fig. 36 Bruno Munari, cover for L’ala d’Italia
Fig. 37 (layout by Bruno Munari), ‘Atterraggio’ (Landing)
Fig. 38 Cover designs for Tempo by Bruno Munari
Fig. 39 Bruno Munari, Fotocronache
Fig. 40 Layout by Bruno Munari, ‘Un bilancio ammonitore’
Part I Normal Anomalies
Chapter 1 Why Speed is a Religion-Morality
Chapter 2 Bad Dada
Chapter 3 Piero Portaluppi’s Errant Line
Chapter 4 The Monument Without Style
Chapter 5 Border Crossings: Italian/German Peregrinations of the Theatre of Totality
Chapter 6 Mostre
Part II Entr’acte
Chapter 7 Notes on the Anatomy of the Worker
Chapter 8 Shades (On a Premonitory Portrait by De Chirico)
Part III Craft and Industry
Chapter 9 Politics and Poetics in Marinetti’s Zang Tumb Tuuum
Chapter 10 Bruno Munari’s Bombs
Chapter 11 Suckert’s Sugar, Malaparte’s Mala Leche
Chapter 12 The Translator (Henry Furst)
22, 316
9781803742236 (Active)
9781803742250 (Active)
9781803742243 (Active)
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Wien, 2023. XXII, 316 pp., 40 fig. b/w, 3 tables.
Jeffrey T. Schnapp is the faculty director of metaLAB (at) Harvard, at Harvard University.

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