Media, Power and Public Opinion  Paid

Essays on Communication and Politics in a Historical Perspective

by Domenico Maria Bruni (Edited)
©2022, Edited Collection, 232 Pages
History & Political Science



This book aims at exploring in a long historical perspective and in a wide historical context the reactions of political institutions and players towards new media and new forms of communication, as well as their strategies in order to combat and/or exploit their effects and potential. This is an original and innovative attempt to combine traditional approaches to the history of the media and politics with studies that aim to directly provide some historical perspective on contemporary preoccupations with ‘fake news’ and manipulation of public opinion. Addressing these topics by focusing on specific events and specific contexts as case studies allows us to connect the hic et nunc dimension with the general trend of the history and verify the particular effects of general long-term trends.

Domenico Maria Bruni : Press, Public Opinion, Constitutional Transition in the Thought of the Italian Liberal-Moderates (1814-1850) — Pasquale Cucco : «Wonderful in Its Results». Telegraphy, News Agencies and Media (1830-1880) — Federico Casari : Refashioning the Newspaper. The World of Fanfulla — Manfred Posani Löwenstein : The Louvre is Burning. False Reports, Tourism and Terrorism at the Time of the Paris Commune — Ignazio Veca : New Media, Old Fakes. Jews Conspiracy Plots and the Nineteenth Century’s Waves of Mediatisation. — Stefano Pisu : Editing the Revolution(s). 1917 in Russia through Cinema from February to October — Ester Lo Biundo : The BBC and the EIAR. The Birth of Radio Broadcasting — Dyfrig Jones : "Go the Way of Radio"? Public Broadcasting, Media Reform, and the FCC Hearings on Educational Television, 1950-1951 — Davide Bennato : Being Digital Media. From the Separation to the Confusion between Mass Media and Personal Media Notes on Contributors — Index.

9782875745620 (Active)
9782875745644 (Active)
9782875745637 (Active)
Bruxelles, Berlin, Bern, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2022. 232 pp., 1 table.

Domenico Maria Bruni is Assistant Professor in Modern and Contemporary History at University of Siena and fellow at International Center on Democracy and Democratization - Luiss Guido Carli. He has published a monograph, three collections and many essays on the themes of censorship, freedom of press, mass mobilization and political institutions.

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