Family, Separation and Migration: An Evolution-Involution of the Global Refugee Crisis  Paid

by Oreste Foppiani (Edited), Oana Scarlatescu (Edited)
©2023, Edited Collection, 294 Pages
Science, Society & Culture



Families are actors and drivers in migration and refugee crises. However, the current protection frameworks privilege the individual over the family unit. Consequently, the stories of families in migration have remained under-researched and their challenges under-addressed. This volume explores the interplay between family, separation, and migration
in the Middle East, West Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and in the context of the 2015 global refugee crisis. Guiding it are two questions: How do family, migration, and separation play out across geographical, political, and historical contexts? And what are the gaps in the protection of migrants and their families? Thirteen authors – academics and practitioners – discuss the international protection for refugees, migration governance, child mobility, disability and immigration, human trafficking, and dilemmas in refugee reporting. The book proposes a paradigm shift in the way we cater to the needs and aspirations of families on the move. Its authors offer evidence-based solutions that cut across polarized discussions on migration and refugees. As such, the volume is aimed at researchers, students, policymakers, and experts working in international relations, migration, human rights, and refugee protection.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Rear Admiral Nicola Carlone, Italian Coast Guard
Part I. Perspectives on Migration and Family Life
Family in Europe: An Evolving Concept? (Edo Korljan)
The Italian-Chinese Community in Prato: Insideness, Outsideness, and Cultural Complexes (Betty Sacco German)
Part II. Perspectives on the Protection of Migrants and their Families
International Migration in Southeast Asia: Protection Norms and Challenges Facing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (A.S.E.A.N.) (Robin Ramcharan)
Regional Migration Governance and Social Protection of Migrant Workers (Elisa Fornalé)
Taking Care of Countering the Business of Trafficking in Human Beings (Giji Gya)
Part III. Perspectives on Children on the Move and on Migrants with Disabilities
Unaccompanied and on the Move: Risks and Opportunities for Migrant Children (Mirela Shuteriqi)
Unaccompanied Migrant Minors in the European Union (E.U.): Children or Irregular Migrants? A Comparative Analysis of Belgium, the United Kingdom (UK), and Romania (Oana A. Scarlatescu)
A Universal Madness: Disability and Immigration Policy in Modern History (Warren Rosenblum)
Part IV. Perspectives on Families in Crisis and on the Move
The Syrian Exodus and the International Law of Internal Conflict-Induced Displacement (Cecilie Hellestveit)
A Snapshot of Global Challenges to Refugee Protection in 2014–2015: Regional Trends and Protection at Sea (Sumbul Rizvi)
The Psychosocial Effects and Traumas on Syrian Women and Children Refugees (Sabine Nasser)
Wartime Evacuations and the Restoration of Italian Families after 1945: A Critical Prehistory for Family Reunification Policy? (Pamela Ballinger)
Dilemmas in Refugee and Migration Reporting (Gunilla von Hall)
Abstracts and Keywords
9783034347310 (Active)
9783034347334 (Active)
9783034347327 (Active)
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2023. 294 pp., 5 tables.

Oreste Foppiani is Associate Professor of International History and Politics at Webster University Geneva, where he chairs the Department of International Relations and Visiting Scholar at New York University’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies. Dr. Foppiani is also a member of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and a senior officer in the Italian Navy Selected Reserve. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

Oana A. Scarlatescu is Visiting Research Fellow at Webster University Geneva, where she researches the nexus between security and development, including human trafficking and smuggling. Ms. Scarlatescu holds an MA in International Relations from Webster University Geneva and a BA in Communications from the University of Bucharest. She previously worked at the Embassy of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Romania.

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