Religious Toleration in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age  Paid

An Anthology of Literary, Theological, and Philosophical Texts

by Albrecht Classen (Author)
©2020, Others, 396 Pages
History & Political Science



More than ever before do we need the critical engagement with religious tolerance. Historical perspectives allow us to gain access to the discourse on this universal, often very contested topic. Already the Middle Ages and the early modern age witnessed the emergence of significant voices addressing toleration, if not even tolerance. This anthology opens many new perspectives toward this centrally important topic, adding a cultural-historical, religious, literary, and philosophical dimension mostly unknown today.

„Albrecht Classen reminds us in this volume that, "we all know just too well that the survival of the human species and its future development depends existentially on its ability and willingness to subscribe to the fundamental ideals of at least toleration, if not tolerance." As with others of Classen's works on the full range of medieval and early modern culture, this book could not be more timely or more urgently needed, especially for its positive approach to a highly volatile topic."

Fidel Fajardo-Acosta, Creighton University, Omaha, NE

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • Introduction
    • Outline
  • Overview
    • Voltaire
    • Dignitatis Humanae
    • Toleration and Tolerance in the Pre-Modern World
    • Reinfried von Braunschweig
  • Holy Scriptures: Bible, Qur’an
    • Bible12
      • Verses of Tolerance
      • Verses of Intolerance
    • Qur’an
  • Walther von der Vogelweide (ca. 1170–ca. 1220): “The Palestine Song” (ca. 1215).
  • Wolfram von Eschenbach: A Middle High German Poet Seeks out the Orient (ca. 1205–ca. 1220)
    • Wolfram’s Parzival
    • Wolfram’s Willehalm
  • Rudolf von Ems’s Der guote Gêrhart: Experimentation with Tolerance in an Early Thirteenth-Century Middle High German Romance
  • Jans Enikel: A German World Chronicler Reflecting on the Differences in Religion
  • Ramon Llull: Offering a Tolerant Dialogue in the Late Middle Ages (ca. 1272–1274)
  • Aucassin and Nicolette: Playful and Loving Embrace of Foreignness
  • Gesta Romanorum: The Debate about Religion Within a Christian Context
  • Li dis dou vrai aniel: The Tale of the True Ring
  • Il Novellino (Late Thirteenth Century)
  • Boccaccio, The Decameron (ca. 1350): Multiple Episodes of Toleration103
    • Introduction
    • Decameron I
    • Boccaccio, Decameron II
    • Boccaccio, Decameron III
    • Boccaccio, Decameron IV
  • Meister Eckhart (Early Fourteenth Century): The Late Medieval Master of Negative Theology
  • Marco Polo (ca. 1320): A Venetian’s Encounter with the Mongols.
    • Challenges to the Christian Worldview
  • Juan Manuel, El Conde Lucanor I
    • No. XXV. Of that which happened to the Count of Provence and Saladin the Sultan of Babylon
    • Don Juan Manuel, El Conde Lucanor II119
      • No. 50: Concerning that which happened to Saladin and a Lady, wife of a Knight in his service.
  • Michel Beheim (1420–ca. 1477): A Late Medieval German Song Writer and the Three Rings
    • Song “Ein beispel von einem kung, der het drei son” (no. 294; An example of a king who had three sons)
  • Nicholas of Cusa: De pace fidei (1453) – a Fictional Debate with Other Religions
    • On Peaceful Unity of Faith1 (De Pace Fidei)128
  • Dr. Martin Luther: Tolerant Thinker or Anti-Semite Avant la Lettre? (1523)
    • That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew, 1523134
  • Bartolomé de Las Casas: European Atrocities and a Spanish Bishop’s Call for Toleration in the New World
  • Hans Sachs (1494–1576) and His Version of the Parable of the Three Rings
    • No. 240: The Jew with the Three Rings
  • Sebastian Franck (1499–1553): A Protestant Theologian Promotes Tolerance
    • Kriegbüchlin des Friedes
    • ICh will vnnd mag nicht Baepstisch sein
    • Paradoxa
  • Sebastian Castellio (1515–1563): A Tolerant Voice in the Early Modern Age
  • Toleration and Tolerance among Ordinary Citizens in Nuremberg at the End of the Sixteenth Century: David Altenstetter and Martin Küenle
  • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Nathan der Weise – True Tolerance?
9783631801345 (Active)
9783631807866 (Active)
9783631807859 (Active)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 396 pp.

Albrecht Classen is University Distinguished Professor of German Studies at the University of Arizona. He has published more than 100 scholarly books on medieval and early modern literature and culture. He is the editor of the journals Mediaevistik and Humanities Open Access.

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