Literature and Media  Open Access

After 1989

by Maryla Hopfinger (Author)
©2020, Monographs, 308 Pages
Media & Communication
Open Access

Series: Cross-Roads, Volume 23



This book discusses the direction of changes in contemporary culture at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Poland on the example of mutual relationships between literature and the media, such as film, radio, TV and the Internet. The interdisciplinary approach adopted by the author combines literary and media studies with the perspectives of social communication, anthropology and sociology of culture.

The book focuses on topics such as reconfiguration of culture, expansion of the media, situation of literature and the central place of audio-visual parallels (auteur film, TV series, PC games). The author notes that both literature and the media are situated between art and communication today and both share the meta-cultural role of natural languages.

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of contents
  • From the author
  • Post scriptum
  • Part one. Contemporary cultural context. After two decades
    • 1 Situation of literature: A change of place?
      • New carriers
      • New areas
      • New participants
      • Literary culture today
    • 2 The situation of media: A change of culture?
      • Polish realities
        • Audiovisual infrastructure before the political transformation
        • Audiovisual media after 1989
      • From the perspective of the twentieth-century media changes51
        • Features of contemporary media
        • Platform of communicatiovn
        • Disputes about culture
      • Reconfiguration of social communication
    • 3 A common language
      • Metacultural function of natural language
      • Formation of general language
      • The general literary language and the language of belles-lettres
      • Language in the new and the newest media
  • Part two. Forms of literature. A literary book today
    • 4 Printed literature
      • The situation of a book after the breakthrough events of 1989
        • Offers of the book market
        • Methods of promotion
        • Questions about readership
      • Print and the meaning of literary work
        • Typographic “spacing” – from Mallarme to visual concretists
        • The violation of graphemic practices in prose
        • Traditional printing and the vision of the world
    • 5 Audio literature
      • It began in the radio
      • Audio-sphere
      • The radio after 1989
      • Audiobooks
      • A song
        • A case of Bob Dylan
    • 6 Electronic literature
      • Electronic script. Secondary literacy
      • Hyper-fiction. Literary hypertext
      • Blogosphere
      • The literary life on the Net
  • Part three. Audiovisual parallels
    • 7 Auteur cinema
      • A new medium: Cinema
      • Screen and literature
      • The ennoblement of the cinema
        • Honorary doctorate for the film auteur
      • The future of auteur cinema
    • 8 TV series
      • The first episodes of TV series
      • The decade of TV series
      • Besides the feature TV series
      • The series outside of television
    • 9 Computer games
      • The ludic dimension of culture
      • The evolution of games and the culture of participation
      • The role-playing games
        • The Witcher
        • Lara Croft
        • The Sims
        • Second Life
      • Real/fictional
  • List of illustrations
  • Bibliographic note
  • Index
  • Series Index
9783631800553 (Active)
9783631811504 (Active)
9783631811498 (Active)
Open Access:
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 308 S., 58 s/w Abb.

Maryla Hopfinger is a theorist of culture, social communication and literature, and media expert. She is a professor in the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She lectured at the University of Warsaw and in the Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

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