Europe Day  Paid

How European Integration Got Started

by Hartmut Marhold (Author)
©2022, 158 Pages



One might be forgiven for thinking that the founding of The European Union is not
exactly the stu that myths are made of? Not at all, for here it comes – though it is
not a myth, but a real story that only sounds like a myth: The 9th of May 1950 was the
day when the destiny of European integration (began to take) took shape, with the
declaration by the French foreign Minister Robert Schuman, aiming at the creation of
a European Coal and Steel Community. One can retrace the events of these historical
moments day by day, sometimes hour by hour, the main actors emerging with highly
animated proles, the tension mounting to thrilling heights – but nally the solution
is found! And this solution is, as much as it seems pragmatic, nothing less than
revolutionary: It is – to use the words of the French foreign minister himself! – the
rst “breach into national sovereignty”. The political system of the EU can be traced
directly back to this initial moment.
Once the story of the 9th of May 1950 is told, one can contemplate it from dierent
angles and learn a lot: What about the relationship between the external pressure
of the Allies on France, in order to prepare for a common defense line of the Western
bloc – and the intra-European, Franco-German desire to overcome their old conicts
and reach a fair tradeo of interests? What about the relationship between economics
and politics – was and is European integration mainly an economic project or does
it ultimately aim at a political union? And maybe the most dicult question: Would
others have taken dierent decisions from those of Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman
and Konrad Adenauer? Could they have? And if it was their own free will to decide as
they did, what led them to do so?
This book tells the story of the 9th of May, and the days leading up to it – and reects
on the signicance of this historical moment, our “Europe Day”.
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of contents
  • Part 1 People and events
    • I Jean Monnet, the inventor and his plan (14–28 April 1950)
    • II Robert Schuman – the plan enters the political stage (1 to 8 May)
    • III Europe Day
    • IV The controversy on 9 May
    • V Schuman’s speech
    • VI After 9 May
  • Part 2 Rethinking the Schuman plan
    • I Blocs versus continent? External (extra-European) and intra-European motives for integration
    • II Economics or politics? Was the launch of European integration more an economic move or was it motivated by political objectives?
    • III Management or politics? Was the European Coal and Steel Community a project for pragmatic market management or a genuine political project?
    • IV Federation or international organization? What kind of political system is the European Community/Union?
    • V Interests or values? Was European integration more marked by shared values or was it about balancing interests?
    • VI Structures and people “Were structural constraints or the free choice of individuals decisive for the path towards European integration?”
  • Conclusions European integration then and now
9783631884645 (Active)
9783631884829 (Active)
9783631884812 (Active)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2022. 158 pp.
Hartmut Marhold is Honorary Professor at the University of Cologne and Senior
Research Fellow at CIFE; he teaches at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul.
Hartmut specialises in the history of European Integration and German European
politics and teaches the course “Emergence and Evolution of the Concept of Sustainable
Development” within CIFE’s Joint Master in EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy. From
2002 until 2013, he served as Director General of CIFE.

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