Classics in Youth Cultural Studies  Paid

by Maurizio Merico (Author)
©2023, Monographs, 144 Pages
Science, Society & Culture



The book contributes to retracing the elaboration of the corpus of theoretical and methodological approaches, themes and perspectives of analysis from which contemporary research on youth cultures originates. From the privileged vantage point of sociology, the book revisits landmark moments in research on youth cultures: the analytical pathway developed by the Chicago School of Sociology on young people living in the urban mosaic; the background, contents and (in)actuality of Karl Mannheim’s perspective on generations; the broad debate around the distinctive features of “youth culture” looping back around to Talcott Parsons; the analysis on youth, dissent and counterculture developed by Goodman, Roszak and Keniston; the research on youth subcultures carried out by the CCCS at Birmingham University.
  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1. Youth in the city. Looking back to the Chicago School of Sociology
    • 1.1. The city as a social laboratory
    • 1.2. Living the interstices
    • 1.3. Mapping juvenile delinquency
    • 1.4. Young women
    • 1.5. Motion pictures and youth
    • 1.6. Looking back to Chicago
  • 2. Youth and generations. Background, contents and (in)actuality of Karl Mannheim’s perspective
    • 2.1. An outdated concept?
    • 2.2. The sociological “problem of generations”
    • 2.3. Generations and social change
    • 2.4. Youth as outsiders
    • 2.5. Critical aspects
    • 2.6. An open-ended debate
  • 3. Youth culture and the peer group. Looping back around to Talcott Parsons
    • 3.1. The peer group and the transition to adulthood
    • 3.2. The “psychosocial moratorium”
    • 3.3. Youth culture and social integration
    • 3.4. An “adolescent society”?
    • 3.5. Youth culture and the value system
    • 3.6. Between sociological analysis and “myth”
  • 4. Youth, dissent and counterculture. The “long 1960s” in Goodman, Keniston, and Roszak
    • 4.1. The (un)complacent youth
    • 4.2. “Growing up absurd”? Paul Goodman’s visionary sociology
    • 4.3. Faces of dissent: From youth alienation to youth protest
    • 4.4. Roszak and “The Making of a Counter Culture”
    • 4.5. A “postmodern youth”
    • 4.6. Fury, symbol, value
  • 5. Rituals, resistance and style. The CCCS and youth subcultures
    • 5.1. A new research agenda
    • 5.2. Theoretical foundations
    • 5.3. “Resistance through rituals”
    • 5.4. The meaning of style
    • 5.5. Homology and creativity
    • 5.6. From symbolic challenges to incorporations
    • 5.7. Subcultures and beyond
9783631894859 (Active)
9783631895085 (Active)
9783631895078 (Active)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2023. 144 pp.
Maurizio Merico is associate professor of “Sociology of cultural and communication processes” in the Department of Political and Social Studies, University of Salerno. He is Editor-in-chief of the International Bulletin on Youth Research. His areas of interest include youth studies, youth cultures, youth work, non-formal education and sport culture.

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