Estudos em ciencias culturais / Studies in Cultural Sciences / Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien
Editors: Peter Hanenberg (SERIES EDITED), Marilia dos Santos Lopes (SERIES EDITED)
ISSN(P): 1861-583X
passagem offers new insights at the interface of German and Romance Studies, Comparative Literature Studies and History, aiming at a bridge to fields in related scientific areas. New approaches and concepts deriving from Cognitive Sciences are brought into dialogue with classical issues in the study of culture, addressing the analysis of cultural and literary transfer and change. Books are published in English, Portuguese and German.
Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is reviewed by both editors of the series as well as by external referees.


Beitraege zur Geschichte der deutsch-portugiesischen Beziehungen Para uma História das relações luso-alemãs

Transkontinentale Kontakte und kultureller Austausch (15.–19. Jahrhundert) Contactos transcontinentais e intercâmbio cultural (séculos XV–XIX)

Volume 18
by Yvonne Hendrich (Edited), Thomas Horst (Edited) , Jürgen Pohle (Edited) , 2021
©2021, 340 Pages

Translating Fear – Translated Fears

Understanding Fear across Languages and Cultures

Volume 16
by Teresa Maria Seruya (Edited), Maria Moniz (Edited), Alexandra Lopes (Edited), 2021
©2021, Edited Collection, 222 Pages

Cognition, Culture, and the Arts

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Narrating, Understanding, and Reading

Volume 15
by Peter Hanenberg (Edited), Wolfgang Hallet (Edited), 2021
©2021, Edited Collection, 132 Pages

Orality, Ossian and Translation

Volume 14
by Gerald Bär (Edited), 2020
©2020, Edited Collection, 200 Pages
Science, Society & Culture