Anglistik / Amerikanistik

Forschung zur Sprache, Literatur und Kulturen der englischsprachigen Welt

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Meet the Editorial Team

Peter Lang has publishing teams in offices around the world, each specializing in local language and content. Follow the links below to discover more about each editor and their area of acquisitions.

Dr. Laurel Plapp

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Michael Rücker

Senior Acquisitions Editor (Linguistics / German Language & Literature / English and American Studies)

Dr. Phil Dunshea

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Tony Mason

Senior Commissioning Editor (Ireland)

Ulrike Döring

Senior Commissioning Editor

Ilaria de Seta

Freelance Editor

Tipp der Redaktion in Englische Literatur & Kulturwissenschaften

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“My copies of the book have just arrived and I wanted to say how delighted I am with it and to say a big thank you. It’s the first book with my name on the outside so I was always going to be proud of it, but the eye-catching and memorable cover (once seen, never forgotten) and the beautiful, premium production has made me even more proud of it and impatient for the world to see – and buy! – it. Thank you for all your help and hard work; it’s greatly appreciated. You have done a fantastic job.”

Robert Selby, co-editor of Mick Imlah: Selected Prose