
Études portant sur les langues, la littérature, l’histoire et la culture slaves.

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Peter Lang has publishing teams in offices around the world, each specializing in local language and content. Follow the links below to discover more about each editor and their area of acquisitions.

Ulrike Döring

Senior Commissioning Editor

Dr. Phil Dunshea

Senior Acquisitions Editor (Area Studies: Humanities)

Dr. Benjamin Kloss

Senior Acquisitions Editor (Romance Studies / Philosophy / Education)

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“We are very thankful also to Esra Bahsi, Senior Acquisitions Editor of the Peter Lang Publishing Group, for her constant help, the heart-to-heart talks, and instant correspondence during the course of this project.”

Prof. Hülya Yaldir and Prof. Mirza Iqbal Ashraf, editors of Human Existence and Identity in Modern Age: A Socio-philosophical Reflection