Théologie et philosophie

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Peter Lang has publishing teams in offices around the world, each specializing in local language and content. Follow the links below to discover more about each editor and their area of acquisitions.

Dr. Hermann Ühlein

Senior Acquisitions Editor (History / Politics / Theology)

Ilaria de Seta

Freelance Editor

Laurence Pagacz

Acquisitions Editor, Latin America

Lucy Melville

Group Publishing Director

Łukasz Gałecki

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Dr. Phil Dunshea

Senior Acquisitions Editor (Area Studies: Humanities)

Thierry Waser

Deputy Managing Director and Senior Commissioning Editor

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“Working with Peter Lang was an unalloyed pleasure from the initial submission of my manuscript to the final adjustments of the cover image. It was a true collaboration at every stage and at all levels. I was impressed by the degree to which everyone, from the series editors to the office staff, upheld the most rigorous professional standards, and I was moved by the generosity they extended to me on a personal level. I could not be more pleased with, or proud of, the book that we produced together.”

Angelika Bammer, author of Partial Visions: Feminism and Utopianism in the 1970s