Hybris: Literatura y Cultura Latinoamericanas
Editors: Ángel Esteban (SERIES EDITED), Yannelys Aparicio (SERIES EDITED)
ISSN(P): 2736-5298
Since Ancient Greece and the classical era, philosophers, artists and critics have delved into the relationships between literature and other arts. First it was painting and plastic arts –ut pictura poesis, by Simónides de Ceos and Horacio–, later on music, architecture, theatrical representation, sculpture and already, in modern and contemporary times, photography, cinema, television, the mass media. At present this vast and stimulating field of cultural and artistic hybridizations has been completed with new technologies and all "transmedia narratives", generating concepts and transversal actions attached to digital creation and new communicative realities: touch-media, cross-media, intermediality, transmediality, hypertextuality, multimodality, etc.

This collection, Hybris: Latin American Literature and Culture, intends, on the one hand, to investigate in the diachronic sense that these relationships have been emerging in the literary and cultural field, understood as aesthetic, practical, leveling and technical borrowing parameters between arts and, therefore the other, is to reflect from a philosophical, social, cultural and theoretical perspective on the possibilities offered by such hybridizations, always within a Latin American context.

In classical mythology, Hybris was the goddess of excess, insolence, the absolute absence of moderation, and evoked the need to go beyond limits. This new concept of Hybris intends to insist on the mythological marks of transgression, erasing borders between the arts, shaking the tendency to subdivision and containment and, at the same time, it also demandings identification with the Latin term hybrida, which alludes to the racial or cultural mixing. Hybridization and symbiosis between arts will therefore be the outlines and contexts in which these studies will be invested.


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