Natur, Wissenschaft und die Künste / Nature, Science and the Arts / Nature, Science et les Arts
Editors: Julia Burbulla (SERIES EDITED), Bernd Nicolai (SERIES EDITED), Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann (SERIES EDITED), Philip Ursprung (SERIES EDITED), Wolf Wucherpfennig (SERIES EDITED)
ISSN(E): 2235-6703
ISSN(P): 1663-6007
Nature, Science and the Arts is an international scholarly series dealing with the history of cultural interplay between arts, humanities, natural sciences and technology, both on the level of theoretical reflection and in artistic enunciations. It is not restricted to any particular epoch, society, medium or region.
By publishing contributions to this new interdisciplinary research area, the series illuminates the traditional connection between two ways of interpreting the world, a connection that has been largely marginalized since Wilhelm Dilthey’s strict dissociation between humanities and natural sciences.


Roi et régicide

Satire, peinture et politique sous la Monarchie de Juillet

Volume 9867
by Dominic-Alain Boariu (Author), 2024
©2024, Monographs, 474 Pages
The Arts

The Interartistic Phenomenon

Through Montaigne’s Essays

Volume 20
by Vassilena Kolarova (Author), 2018
©2018, Monographs, 336 Pages
The Arts

Life: A Study in Words

Volume 19
by Rick Welch (Author), 2020
©2020, Monographs, 208 Pages

L’image du corps dans l’art espagnol aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Autour du « Libro Segundo » de Juan de Arfe y Villafañe (1585)

Volume 14
by Maria Portmann (Author), 2014
©2014, Thesis, 354 Pages
The Arts

Ténèbres sans leçons

Esthétique et épistémologie de la peinture ténébriste romaine 1595-1610

Volume 10
by Itay Sapir (Author), 2012
©2012, Thesis, 306 Pages
The Arts

Habitus in Habitat III

Synaesthesia and Kinaesthetics

Volume 8
by Joerg Fingerhut (Edited), Sabine Flach (Edited), Jan Söffner (Edited), 2011
©2011, Conference proceedings, 278 Pages
Media & Communication