Pilgrimage Studies
Editors: Heather A. Warfield (SERIES EDITED)
ISSN(P): 2631-7834
From the Islamic Hajj to journeys to an ancestral homeland, pilgrimages are growing global phenomena with far-reaching national, political, societal, economical, religious, and cultural impact. Globalization, which has led to increased possibilities of travel and interconnectivity, underpins the growth of pilgrimages, as does the contemporary notion that pilgrimages are framed as journeys of meaning constructed by pilgrims. Despite universal exemplars of pilgrimage, there is a dearth of multidisciplinary, and multilingual, literature on the topic. This series aims to fuse multiple streams of pilgrimage discourse and provide a forum for formerly disparate conversations on the pilgrimage phenomenon. Proposals are welcome for monographs and edited collections that explore the intersection of pilgrimage with topics such as identity, heritage, ethnicity and genealogy, political power, nationalism, gender and sexuality, architecture, law, technology, climate and geography, and health and wellbeing. Additionally, manuscripts that represent new perspectives on existing pilgrimage sites and historical narratives are welcome and contributions from non-Anglo authors will be considered. All inquiries should be directed to Heather A. Warfield, Series Editor: heather@heatherawarfield.com.


Food and the Pilgrim

Nourishment for Pilgrims and Faith-Based Tourists

Volume 3
by Dane Munro (Volume editor), Noel Buttigieg (Volume editor), Daniel H. Olsen (Volume editor), 2023
©2023, Edited Collection, 296 Pages
Theology & Philosophy

New Pilgrimage Routes and Trails

Volume 2
by Daniel H. Olsen (Edited), Dane Munro (Edited), Ian S. McIntosh (Edited), 2023
©2023, Edited Collection, 312 Pages
Theology & Philosophy

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Pilgrimage

Historical, Current and Future Directions

Volume 1
by Heather A. Warfield (Volume editor), 2023
©2023, Edited Collection, 344 Pages
Science, Society & Culture