Surréalisme intemporel, surréalisme international : quelques châteaux étoilés en Europe


El fin de la naturaleza

Fallo y propósito en la especulación. Antropología de la naturaleza en la periferia

Volume 89
by Claudio Canaparo (Author), 2023
©2023, Monographs, 368 Pages
Romance Studies

Literary Allusions in Esther

A Study on the Convergence of Intertexts and Narrative

by Ron Lindo, Jr. (Author), 2023
©2023, Monographs, 152 Pages
Theology & Philosophy

Study on the Rock Art at the Yin Mountains

by Xiaokun Wang (Author), Wenjing Zhang (Author), 2023
©2023, Monographs, 868 Pages
The Arts

New Beginnings

Perspectives from France and Ireland

by Máirtin Mac Con Iomaire (Volume editor), Eamon Maher (Volume editor), 2023
©2023, Edited Collection, 334 Pages
English Studies

Ireland and the British Empire

Essays on Art and Visuality

by Fintan Cullen (Edited), 2023
©2023, Edited Collection, 248 Pages
The Arts

Escritoras portuguesas no tempo da Ditadura Militar e do Estado Novo

Volume 3
by José Manuel da Costa Esteves (Volume editor), Iabel Henriques de Jesus (Volume editor), Teresa Sousa de Almeida (Volume editor), 2023
©2023, Edited Collection, 218 Pages
Romance Studies

Wachsender Fels

Der Vierströme- und der Trevibrunnen sowie die Fassade des Palazzo di Montecitorio – drei Werke des römischen Barock im Lichte der geologischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2., überarbeitete Auflage

by Volker Hoffmann (Author), 2023
©2023, Monographs, 86 Pages
The Arts

Or blanc

Sculpture en ivoire, Congo et discours colonial sous le règne de Léopold II (1885-1909)

by Sébastien Clerbois (Author), 2023
©2023, Monographs, 192 Pages
The Arts

Enshrining the Sacred

Microarchitecture in Ritual Spaces

by Ilia M. Rodov (Edited) , 2022
©2022, Edited Collection, 444 Pages
The Arts

Locating the Self, Welcoming the Other

In British and Irish Art, 1990-2020

by Valérie Morisson (Author), 2022
©2022, Monographs, 388 Pages
The Arts


by Céline Caumon (Author), 2022
©2022, Monographs, 232 Pages
The Arts

Partizipation, Vermittlung und Ästhetik im (Musik-)Theater für Kinder und Jugendliche

Diskurse zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis

Volume 17
by Julia Lind (Edited), Clara-Franziska Petry (Edited), Laura Brechmann (Edited), 2022
©2022, Edited Collection, 174 Pages
The Arts


Ein Blick durch die Linse der Szenografie

by Bianca Matzek (Author), 2021
©2022, Thesis, 88 Pages
The Arts

Femme de pinceaux

Sofonisba Anguissola, une artiste maniériste (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

by Florence Chantoury-Lacombe (Author), 2021
©2021, Monographs, 174 Pages
The Arts