Learning English Out of School: An Inclusive Approach to Research and Action


L’écriture du témoignage

Récits, postures, engagements

Volume 43
by Isabelle Meuret (Edited), Hubert Roland (Edited), Grazia Berger (Edited), Chiara Nannicini (Edited), 2022
©2022, Edited Collection, 232 Pages
Romance Studies

Apprentissage de langues additionnelles dans un cadre scolaire plurilingue

Langues autochtones, étrangères, régionales et patrimoniales

Volume 7
by Zehra Gabillon (Author), 2022
©2022, Monographs, 214 Pages

Testing Lexicogrammar

An Investigation into the Construct Tested in the «Language in Use» Section of the Austrian Matura in English

by Theresa Weiler (Author), 2021
©2022, Monographs, 278 Pages

Berlin-Brandenburger Beitraege zur Bildungsforschung 2022

Herausforderungen, Befunde und Perspektiven interdisziplinaerer Bildungsforschung

by Jurik Stiller (Edited) , Christin Laschke (Edited), Lennart Goecke (Edited), 2021
©2022, 276 Pages

Existenz und Grenzsituation

Zum Scheitern als Thema in der Philosophie bei Karl Jaspers

by Daniel Gerte (Author), 2021
©2022, 288 Pages

Graduate's Guide

by Mazen Kavvas (Author), 2021
©2022, Monographs, 98 Pages
Science, Society & Culture

Learning to Teach in Underserved Schools

A Socio-constructivist Perspective

by Delin Kong (Author), 2021
©2022, Monographs, 204 Pages

Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Aserbaidschan

Volume 15
by Gunel Babayeva (Author) , 2021
©2021, Thesis, 360 Pages
German Studies

Learning Disabilities and Mental Health

by Evelin Witruk (Edited), Shally Novita (Edited), 2021
©2021, Edited Collection, 206 Pages

Governance Revisited

Challenges and Opportunities for Vocational Education and Training

by Regula Bürgi (Edited), Philipp Gonon (Edited), 2021
©2022, Edited Collection, 432 Pages

Relationality in Education of Morality

by Andrej Rajský (Edited) , Marek Wiesenganger (Edited) , 2021
©2021, Edited Collection, 166 Pages

Lehrpersonenhandeln im Klassenrat

Eine interaktionsanalytische Untersuchung

by Nina Gregori (Author), 2021
©2021, Thesis, 352 Pages

El español académico en L2 y LE

Perspectivas desde la educación bilinguee

Volume 6
by Francisco Lorenzo (Edited), Virginia de Alba Quiñones (Edited), Olga Cruz Moya (Edited), 2021
©2021, Edited Collection, 264 Pages


Paedagogisch handeln in der Sterbephase des Menschen

by Franziska Eckensberger (Author), 2021
©2021, 300 Pages

Behind Closed Doors

Hidden Histories of Children Committed to Care in the Late Nineteenth Century (1882-1899)

by Annie Skinner (Author), 2021
©2021, 256 Pages