Africa's Incomplete Cycles of Development  Paid

by Kenneth Mahuni (Author), Josiah Taru (Author), Wellington G. Bonga (Author)
©2020, Monographs, XXVI, 188 Pages
Law, Economics & Management

Series: Africa in the Global Space, Volume 1



Juxtaposing qualitative as well as quantitative facts across the broader African continent, the authors explore critical issues compounding developmental woes of the continent at the present. Despite the facts being on the fringes as explanations to the sluggish development of Africa, the authors show how they interact in shaping its development discourse. The authors also study unfolding events on the unforgiving global economy which have added to the misery of the continent. This book is an enthralling account which interrogates Africa’s present realities and how they interplay to further stagnate the continent. The authors add a new voice to issues affecting development by venturing into largely unexplored niches of Africa’s development conundrum.

  • Cover Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • About the Book
  • About the Author
  • Epigraph
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Chapter 1. Will Africa Ever Catch Up with the Rest of the World?
    • Where Are the Majority? Positioning Africa
      • Urbanization
      • Demography
      • Industrialization and Machine Revolution
    • Attempting to Develop: The Desire to Join the Majority
    • Prospects and Challenges of Contemporary Africa
    • References
  • Chapter 2. Perspectives on Development
    • Conceptualizing Development
    • Development Trajectories and Approaches
      • Africa and the Development Discourse
    • Cycles of Development of Countries in Africa
      • The Challenge of Classifying the Countries into the Respective Cycles
    • References
  • Chapter 3. Underdevelopment of Africa in the Present: The Links
    • Pioneer Post-Colonial States and the Development Trajectory
      • Seeing the Light and Hiding the Light
    • Language Diversity—A Lethal Weapon
      • Importance of Language in Development and Language Diversity
    • The Unforgiving Global Economy
      • Global Developments, Sources of Deep Trouble for Africa
    • References
  • Chapter 4. Afrocentric Barriers in Contemporary Times
    • The Colonialism Legacy
      • Political Independence, Without Economic Independence
    • Electioneering Mode
      • Election Issues in Africa
    • Religion and Development in Africa
    • Chinese Deals with Africa in the 21st Century: Investments or Exploitations?
    • References
  • Chapter 5. Regionalism and Development in Africa
    • Key Regional Groupings in Africa
    • Overview of Regional Blocs in the Continent: Milestones and Inadequacies
    • Regionalism Synthesis
      • Major Issues Militating Against Integration in Africa
    • International Cooperation: Africa and the World
    • References
  • Chapter 6. Is Africa Ready for Business?
    • An Overview of Africa Free Trade Zone (AFTZ) Member States
      • Ease of Doing Business Concept
      • Empirical Analysis of Ease of Doing Business for AFTZ Member States
      • Discussion of Results
    • AFTZ Study Outcomes and the Probable Development Discourse of Africa
      • The Sticking Issues on Ease of Doing Business
    • References
  • Chapter 7. Laying the Foundation, Going Forward
    • Rolling Out the “Red Tape” and Rolling on the “Red Carpet”
      • What to Do with the Corruption?
    • Impact Investment, Beyond Traditional Investment
      • Impact Investment and Africa
      • Challenges in Implementing Impact Investment in Africa
    • Industrial Cluster Strategy: Embracing Globalised and Outward Looking Models, Towards Industrialisation of Africa
      • Industrial Cluster Concept
    • Development from Below
    • References
  • Chapter 8. Conclusion
    • Realizing a Future for Africa
  • Index
XXVI, 188
9781433168215 (Active)
9781433168192 (Active)
9781433168185 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2020. XXVI, 188 pp., 1 b/w ill., 2 tables.

Kenneth Mahuni is a winner of the newly instituted Amartya Sen Prize 2020 courtesy of the International Economic Association (IEA). He has a Master’s Degree in International Trade and Policy from South Korea and is an independent researcher. He has published research papers in journals focusing on economic issues such as industrial clusters and international trade. This is his first major book contribution and was largely inspired by experiences in visiting countries such as South Korea, India, Malaysia, Tanzania, Botswana among others.

Josiah Taru is an anthropologist working in Zimbabwe. His research focuses on the intersection of Pentecostalism, money, wealth, and everyday lives in post-colonial Zimbabwe.

Wellington G. Bonga is a researcher in the areas of development, finance, taxation, and social aspects. He has more than fifty research papers published in international journals. He holds a PhD in Economics from Atlantic International University, a MCom Finance from Great Zimbabwe University, a MSc Economics from University of Zimbabwe, a Master of Business Administration from Zimbabwe Open University, a BSc (Hons) Economics degree from University of Zimbabwe, and a Certificate in Practical Labour Law from Cape Town University.

“This pioneering book comes at the most appropriate stage where the global divide of Africa and the developed world needs to be urgently addressed. It lays bare the prescription of reducing poverty and unlocking development in Africa by exploring a wide scope of strategies. The book is a well-researched and incisive account of modern-day Africa and its development challenges which if not attended to, the continent’s dream of development will remain an illusion.”—Calvin Mudzingiri, Department of Economics, University of the Free State, South Africa

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