Writing War in Contemporary Iran  Paid

The Case of Esmāʻil Fasih’s Zemestān-e 62

by Saeedeh Shahnahpur (Author)
©2019, Monographs, XIV, 186 Pages
English Studies



Writing War in Contemporary Iran offers a complete account of Esmā’il Fasih’s life, works, and position in contemporary Iranian literature. This book uses a text-based analysis of Fasih’s wartime novel Zemestān-e 62 (The Winter of ‘83, 1985) as a case study, and illustrates how the book set a precedent for anti-war novels that appeared in the period following the Iran–Iraq War. Unlike the many one-dimensional novels of the time which focused only on state ideology, Fasih’s novel grapples with broader issues, such as the state’s war rhetoric and the socio-political realities of life in wartime, including the impact of the War of the Cities on the daily lives of Iranians, government policies and their enactment, and the contribution of the upper class to war efforts. In this vein, The Winter of ‘83 was the first Persian anti-war novel that was different in that it did not present a glorified or heroic vision of the war and its participants. Furthermore, the book deals with the analysis of Fasih’s postwar novels, which emphasized the roles and sacrifices of Iranian women during the war—a neglected theme in Persian war novels—marking him as one of the most culturally important war writers in contemporary Iran.

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Autorenangaben
  • Über das Buch
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  • Inhaltverzeichnis
  • Carles Cortés Orts: La idealizaciónde la mujer en la narrativa catalana de los años 30. El caso de Pàgines d’un adolescent (1929) y Suburbi de Xavier Benguerel (1936)
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  • M. Àngels Francés Díez: Alteridad y desarraigo en Pedra de tartera, de Maria Barbal, y La meitat de l’ànima, de Carme Riera
  • David Peidro Pérez: “Algo otro mueve”
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  • Isabel Marcillas Piquer: De sumisas a subversivas: la evolución temática de las dramaturgas catalanas contemporáneas
  • Miquel Cruz I Morente: “Rellotge de sol”, la sección de M. Aurèlia Capmany en la revista Canigó
  • Ivan Gisbert López: Islandia y el cine femenino: Guðny Halldórsdóttir y la herencia de un Nobel
  • Trinidad Núñez Domínguez and Sacramento Pinazo-Hernandis: Al cine ¿le gustan las mujeres mayores?
  • Marta Blanco Fernández: Miradas que matan.
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  • Francesc Foguet & Eva Saumell: Las figuraciones de la vejez
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  • VII Seminario internacional de estudios transversales
XIV, 186
9781433163388 (Active)
9781433165870 (Active)
9781433165863 (Active)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien, 2019. XIV, 186 pp.

Saeedeh Shahnahpur is currently a researcher at Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), and has published a number of articles on Iranian literature.

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