Celebration of the Word of God  Paid

A Liturgical Enquiry

by Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo (Author)
©2020, Monographs, 210 Pages
Theology & Philosophy

Series: African Theological Studies, Volume 21



This book focuses on the clarion call by Pope Francis and the Second Vatican Council for an elaborate celebration of the Word. It is predicated on the dearth of the Word of God in liturgical assemblies and rituals. Basing its theological and liturgical framework upon the text of Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC) no. 35, the study sets out with the aim to argue for a rediscovery of the power of the Word of God. The work employed library research method, social survey method, and liturgical exegesis. The book equally addresses some challenges and the theme of liturgical inculturation in the announcement of the oracular word in African Traditional Religion (ATR). Some practical recommendations were made to be viable indicators for a necessary liturgical aggiornamento needed in the 21st century Church in Africa and beyond.

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contents
  • Abbreviations
  • Chapter One Introduction
    • Background to the Study
    • Aim of the Book
    • Argument of the Book
    • Significance of the Book
    • Definition of Terms
    • Celebration
    • Word of God
    • Design of the Book
  • Chapter Two General Perspectives on the Celebration of the Word of God
    • Nature and Purpose of Celebration
    • Dynamics of the Word of God
    • The Bible and the Liturgy
    • The Liturgy of the Word
    • Liturgy of the Word and Eucharistic Celebration
    • Celebration of the Word of God
    • Evaluation
  • Chapter Three Context, Field Work and Data Analysis
    • Nnewi Diocese and the Celebration of the Word
    • Challenges Facing the Celebration of the Word for the Church in Nigeria
    • Research Questions and Hypotheses
    • Fieldwork Methodology
    • Data Analysis Results
    • Analysis of Questionnaire
    • Analysis of Oral Interview
    • Analysis of Participant Observation
    • Evaluation
  • Chapter Four Liturgical Exegesis of Sacrosanctum Concilium 35
    • Historical Background to Sacrosanctum Concilium (SC) 35
    • Presentation of the Text
    • Liturgical Exegesis of the Text
    • Emergent Theologico-Liturgical Themes from the Exegesis
    • Abundant Use of the Scripture
    • The Word of God as an Essential Part of the Liturgical Celebration
    • Clerics as Ministers of the Homily
    • Homily to be Scripturally Based
    • Homily to be Liturgically Oriented
    • The Need for Liturgical Instruction
    • Recognition of Bible Service
    • Spirituality of the Celebration of the Word of God
    • Summary
  • Chapter Five Inculturation on the Celebration of the Word
    • Igbo World-View on the Word of the Oracle
    • The Role of the Agents of the “Word of God”
    • The Communal Dimension of ‘Okwu nke Osebuluwa’
    • The Word of God and Its Enrichment with Cultural Values
    • Sacredness of the Word
    • Sense of Respect and Reverence for the Word
    • The Sitting Posture to Listen
    • The Status of Standing Posture
    • The Posture of the Proclaimer
    • The Word of God in the Local Language
    • Evaluation
  • Chapter Six Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion
    • Summary
    • Recommendations
    • Constant Reading of the Word of God
    • Pastoral/Liturgical Care of the Children and Youths
    • Integrating the Physically Challenged in the Celebration of the Word
    • Adequate Preparation for the Celebration of the Word by the Celebrant and Participants
    • Proper Liturgical Books at the Parish and Diocesan Celebrations
    • Collaborative Ministry between the Celebrant and the Faithful
    • The Use of Modern Means of Communication
    • Adopting the Traditional Communicative Skills
    • Ongoing Comprehensive Formation for the Ministers of the Word
    • Sustaining the Culture of the Enthronement of the Word
    • Establishment of Bible School for the Laity
    • Return to Lively Word
    • Liaising with Media Houses Around
    • Return to Elaborate Celebration of the Word
    • Conclusion
  • Appendix I Questionnaire
  • Appendix II Questionnaire Analysis
  • Appendix III Field Work and Statistical Data
  • Appendix IV Questionnaire for Oral Interview
  • Appendix V
  • Bibliography
  • About the Book
  • About the Author
  • Index
  • Series index
9783631820360 (Active)
9783631831441 (Active)
9783631831434 (Active)
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 210 pp.

Emmanuel Chinedu Anagwo is a priest of Nnewi Diocese, Nigeria. He holds Dip. Lat, BPhil, BA, BTheo, MED, MTh, Licentiate in sacred liturgy (STL) and a doctorate degree (PhD) from the University of Calabar (UNICAL), Nigeria. He currently teaches sacred liturgy at the Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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