Études romanes

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Meet The Editorial Team

Peter Lang has publishing teams in offices around the world, each specializing in local language and content. Follow the links below to discover more about each editor and their area of acquisitions.

Dr. Benjamin Kloss

Senior Acquisitions Editor (Romance Studies / Philosophy / Education)

Ilaria de Seta

Freelance Editor

Dr. Laurel Plapp

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Laurence Pagacz

Acquisitions Editor, Latin America

Łukasz Gałecki

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Dr. Phil Dunshea

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Ulrike Döring

Senior Commissioning Editor

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“I recently worked on a co-edited volume with Peter Lang, and could not have had a better experience. The efficiency and quality of support has been exemplary, and the editing, reviewing, formatting and release of our volume was both fast and faultless. We were especially grateful for the unerring professionalism and generosity of our editor Laurel Plapp, and recommend her and Peter Lang in the strongest terms to academic authors, particularly within Francophone studies. I am also currently finishing a monograph forthcoming with Peter Lang, and am immensely grateful for the guidance, backing and flexibility I have already been afforded. Mille fois merci!”

Polly Galis – Queer(y)ing Bodily Norms in Francophone Culture