
Études de l’histoire, de la théorie critique et de la pratique des arts visuels et du spectacle.

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Peter Lang has publishing teams in offices around the world, each specializing in local language and content. Follow the links below to discover more about each editor and their area of acquisitions.

Dr. Hermann Ühlein

Senior Acquisitions Editor (History / Politics / Theology)

Dr. Laurel Plapp

Senior Acquisitions Editor

Lucy Melville

Group Publishing Director

Dr. Phil Dunshea

Senior Acquisitions Editor (Area Studies: Humanities)

Tony Mason

Senior Commissioning Editor (Ireland)


Deputy Managing Director and Senior Commissioning Editor

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“Peter Lang is a reliable partner for the publication of academic book series: The collaboration is uncomplicated, books are thoroughly produced and publishing experience is combined with a commitment to the individual book project.”

Andreas Härter, co-editor, MIMOS