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Curriculum Studies in the Age of Covid-19
Stories of the Unbearable
Book Textbook Year: 2022 Pages: 232

Paulo Freire
Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Practice
Book Textbook Year: 2022 Pages: 140

Das Aeltere Schulzenrecht in neuem Licht
Prozessrechtliche Entwicklungen in einer mittelalterlichen friesischen Rechtsaufzeichnung
Book Thesis Year: 2022 Pages: 372

Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages
Contacts, Comparisons, and Change
Book Conference proceedings Year: 2022 Pages: 326

Fannish Folklore
Feminist Fan-Fiction Retellings of Germanic Fairy Tales
Book Monographs Year: 2022 Pages: 246

Haroldo de Campos e a educação dos sentidos
Book Edited Collection Year: 2022 Pages: 414

A memória da Destruição na escrita judaico-brasileira depois de 1985
Por uma literatura pós-Holocausto emergente no Brasil
Book Thesis Year: 2022 Pages: 434

Business Combinations under Common Control
Practice, Determinants, and Earnings Quality
Book Thesis Year: 2022 Pages: 296