Happiness Management and Social Marketing: A wave of sustainability and creativity  Paid

by Rafael Ravina Ripoll (Edited), Luis Bayardo Tobar Pesántez (Edited) , Araceli Galiano Coronil (Edited), José Marchena Dominguez (Edited)
©2021, Edited Collection, 252 Pages
Law, Economics & Management



In these moments of health crisis, happiness management and social marketing are not teaching that it is possible to build a more committed, innovative and productive society. To achieve this end, countries and organizations must undertake a wave of human resource policies and actions that stimulate individuals’ happiness and creativity. In this way, a new economy can emerge that holistically promotes social welfare, equality, and talent.

"Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it": Happiness Management?

Management of the loyalty of the federated karate athlete and its correlation with happiness

Assessing the citizens´ well-being needs in OECD countries using Rasch Model

Collective happiness in organizations of the third Sector

Social interest to the hosting population of tourism. Generated happiness in the supply and demand for the rural tourism

Happiness Management: a wave of sustainability and social representation

Literacy for happiness. Where are we going?

Well-being and happiness: the role of gas and electricity during the birth of the consumer society in Spain in the first third of the 20th century

Engaging leaders and work-life balance as enhancers of happiness at work (HAW)

History of art, Holy Week and Mindfulness. Identitary and emotional interrelations

The resources of the NGDO in Spain and volunteering. A reflection from the social marketing perspective

YouTubers as influencers in the responsible promotion and Happiness Management of fashion brands

Socio-demographic variable effects in the evaluation of competencies that facilitate the Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) Labor

Reading and happiness empirical evidence in Spanish students

9783034339742 (Active)
9783034342339 (Active)
9783034342322 (Active)
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2021. 252 pp., 28 fig. b/w., 23 tables.

Rafael Ravina Ripoll (PhD) is doctor and business organization professor at Cádiz University and coordinator of the Iberoamerican Group of Multidisciplanary Studies on Happiness in the Salesian Politecnic University of Ecuador. His research and publications focus on happiness management.

Luis Bayardo Tobar Pesantez (PhD) teaches and researches in the areas of SMEs and is coordinator of the Iberoamerican Group of Multidisciplanary Studies on Happiness in the Salesian Politecnic University of Ecuador. His research interests also include finance and credit.

Araceli Galiano Coronil (PhD) is a professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at University of Cadiz (Spain). Her interests are in the role and effects of big data and social media in NGO as social marketing tools.

José Marchena Dominguez holds a doctorate in contemporary history from the University of Cádiz where he is a full professor. He specializes in the history of ideas, society, and culture.

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